Asian-American Vote Crucialin Presidential Elections
Northern California Asian Pacific Islander Americans for MittRomney. ( NCAA).
NCAA members feel that some of Asian and American cultural and traditional values, such as strongfamily unit, the rewards of hard work, free enterprise and freedom of religion are being threatenedtoday by the direction an philosophical policies that President Obama has implemented during hisadministration.
Such as, increasing the size of government, higher taxes.
In the meantime, In Charlotte, NC, Asian Americans and Pacific islanders show unwavering supportfor President Obama.
Asian American and Pacific Islander Democratic leaders kicked off the convention by holding anofficial party caucus to outline the campaign’s strategy to reach voters.
Officials acknowledged that AAPI voters are expected to vote in record numbers this fall, accordingto a recent poll released by APIAVote showing that close elections in important states like Florida, Nevada, and Virginia could go to the candidates who best engage AAPIs, a demographic withincreasing political clout. |