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发表于 2016-7-9 22:34:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  data n. facts or information used in deciding or discussing sth
          debate n. formal argument or discussion of a question, eg at a public
meeting or in Parliament, with two or more opposing speakers, and often ending
in a vote
          decade n. period of ten years
          decline v. say `no' to (sth); refuse (sth offered), usu politely
          deduce v. ~ sth arrive at (facts, a theory, etc) by reasoning; infer
          define v. ~ sth state precisely the meaning of (eg words)
          definite adj. clear; not doubtful
          demonstrate v. ~ sth (to sb) show sth clearly by giving proof or
          denote v. be the name, sign or symbol of (sth); refer to
          deny v. say that (sth) is not true
          depress v. make sad and without enthusiasm
          derive v. ~ sth from sth obtain sth from sth; get sth from sth
          design n. ~ (for sth) drawing or outline from which sth may be made
          despite prep without being affected by
          detect v. discover or recognize that (sth) is present
          deviate v. ~ from sth stop following
          device n. thing made or adapted for a special purpose
          devote v. ~ oneself/sth to sb/sth give to sb/sth; dedicate ;
          differentiate v. ~ between A and B; ~ A (from B) see or show (two things)
to be different; show sth to be different (from sth else)
          dimension n. measurement of any sort
          diminish v. become smaller or less; decrease
          discrete adj. separate; distinct
          discriminate v. ~ ~ A from B see or make a difference (between two
          displace v. move from the usual or correct place
          display v. ~ sth put sth on show
          dispose v. place(sb/sth) in a suitable way; arrange
          distinct adj. easily heard, seen, felt or understood; definite
          distort v. pull or twist out of its usual shape
          distribute v. ~ sth separate sth into parts and give a share to each person
or thing
          diverse adj. of different kinds; varied
          document n. paper, form, book, etc giving information about sth, evidence
or proof of sth
          domain n. lands owned or ruled by a nobleman, government, etc
          domestic adj. of the home, household or family
          dominate v. have control of or a very strong influence on (people, events,
          draft n. rough preliminary written version of sth
          drama n. play for the theatre, radio or TV
          duration n. time during which sth lasts or continues
          dynamic adj. of power or forces that produce movement

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