发表于 2016-7-10 04:02:13
Arab spring
Toppling leaders was all the rage in 2011 as people across the Arab world collectively decided they'd had just about enough of this bullshit. To the casual TV viewer, the Arab spring was initially confusing: previously, whenever the news showed you footage of furious Arabs marching in the streets, they were chanting "Death to the west" or burning effigies of John Barrowman or something. Now suddenly they were the good guys, and their despised dictatorial leaders were the bad guys – but the news hadn't really bothered explaining who these bad guys were before. The Tunisian president is a ruthless tyrant, you say? Why didn't you tell me this earlier?
It was as if these Arab despots had only just landed on the planet, like the intergalactic megabaddies from Superman II, and the news was playing catchup. We didn't know their names or what they looked like, or have much of a clue as to why they were unpopular – unless, like megabaddie Colonel Gaddafi, they'd previously done something awful to us, in which case we'd not only cheer from the sidelines, but also lend air support.
Basically, in terms of narrative, things hadn't been set up clearly enough during the first act. Come on, news: you really must try harder to explain this stuff. Speaking of which …
阿拉伯之春 2011年阿拉伯世界民众的不满情绪爆发,掀起一场推翻专制政体的运动热潮。对于“阿拉伯之春”事件的报道,起初让普通的电视观众有些摸不着头脑。因为在以前的电视镜头里,反映的是阿拉伯人在游行示威中一脸愤慨地高喊“诅咒西方”或者焚烧约翰·巴洛曼之类人物的肖像。而现在呢,他们的形象一下子突然转变成对抗独裁领导者的正义之士。可媒体又一直没报道过这些独裁者的所作所为。你说突尼斯总统是残忍暴君?那为什么不一早告诉我们?