Being hand-picked by Zhang Yimou is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that
can become a springboard to fame and fortune, as his past prodigies Gong Li and
Zhang Ziyi have proven. The day Zhang Yimou pointed a finger at her, the
18-year-old Zhou became part of the Chinese Cinderella dream。
文中的springboard就是指“跳板、出发点”,也就是有助于开展事业的基础、出发点,springboard to fame and
fortune自然就是“名利双收的跳板”,那么 “成功跳板”就可以用springboard to
success来表示。Springboard还可以具体指跳水运动中的“跳台、跳板”,比如one-meter springboard(一米跳板)。