当地时间11月30日,二十国集团领导人第十三次峰会(the 13th summit of the Group of
20)在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)举行。习近平出席第一阶段会议并发表题为《登高望远,牢牢把握世界经济正确方向》的重要讲话。
Today, the global economy, while maintaining growth on the whole, is still
not free from the underlying impacts of the crisis. Old growth drivers are yet
to be replaced by new ones. Various risks are rapidly building up. The new round
of technological revolution and industrial transformation are triggering
profound changes, the wealth gap keeps widening, and social contradictions are
growing. The world economy is facing another historical choice.
In mankind's relentless quest for development and progress, the trend
toward openness and integration among countries is unstoppable despite ups and
downs in the global economy.
Going forward, win-win cooperation is the only choice for us, be it in good
times or bad. This is dictated by the law of economics, and it is in keeping
with the development of human history.
First, we should stay committed to openness and cooperation and uphold the
multilateral trading system.
We should firmly uphold free trade and the rules-based multilateral trading
system. China supports necessary reform of the World Trade Organization, and
believes that it is critical to uphold the WTO's core values and fundamental
principles such as openness, inclusiveness and non-discrimination and ensure the
development interests and policy space of developing countries. We need to
conduct extensive consultation to achieve gradual progress instead of imposing
one's position on others.
Second, we should forge strong partnership and step up macro policy
Partnership is the most valuable asset of the G20. We G20 members should
work together to surmount whatever difficulty that lies ahead. We should employ
the three tools of fiscal and monetary policies and structural reform in a
holistic way to ensure strong, balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth of the
global economy.