先来说说“欠费”,肯定有同学要说,“欠费”不就是没钱了吗?那还不简单,“My cellphone has no
money”,没错,“欠费”就是说“钱用花了”,但是这样子表达就比较中式了,英语里“手机欠费”的地道表达应该是“My cellphone ran out of
“run out
of”是“用光,耗尽”的意思,“credit”除了大家都知道的“信用,声誉,积分”外,还有“话费”的意思,所以,“手机欠费”在英语中就表达为“run out
of credit ”
或者也可以说,“My cellphone charge is overdue.”
那现在“欠费”知道了,“关机”“没电”等等一系列有关电话的用语都要咋说呢? 1. 开机/关机
Open/Close your phone (×)
Turn on/off your phone (√)
Switch on/off your phone (√)
on/off”或“Switch on/off”。
Mobile phone must be switched off throughout the flight.
飞行过程中,请关闭手机。 2. 给我打电话
Call my phone (×)
Call me (√)
“给我打电话”说的是给“我”打电话,而非“我的手机”,所以我们直接用call me(sb.)来表达就可以了。
Call me as soon as you get to the office.
到了办公室马上给我打电话。 3. 接电话
Receive the phone (×)
Answer the phone(√)
Will you answer the phone for me please?
麻烦你帮我接一下电话。 4. 手机快没电
My phone's dead (×)
My phone's off (×)
My phone's dying (√)
My phone's off和My phone's dead通常是表示完全没电了,而My phone's
My phone's dying, I gotta go.
我手机快没电了,先挂了。 5. 翻手机
Check my phone (×)
Touch my phone (×)
Look through my phone (√)
Check my phone是看一眼手机(一般是短暂的)≠ 翻看,表示“翻手机”,我们通常要用“Look through my
phone”,“翻看”需要一段时间,用“look through”更合适。
I checked my phone like a hundred times today to see if he replied me on
Why did you look through my phone?