耶鲁大学校长苏必德 (Peter
Good morning! On behalf of my colleagues here on stage, I extend a warm
welcome to all the family members with us today. And to the first-years,
transfer students, and Eli Whitney students: Welcome to Yale!
Today is a day of pageantry and excitement. Many of you bring members of
your extended families to cheer you on, celebrating this milestone with
justifiable pride and just a little anxiety.
大家早上好,在此我谨代表各位同事向2022届的本科新生们、转校生们以及Eli Whitney项目的学生们表示最诚挚的欢迎。欢迎来到耶鲁!
Today is also a day of Yale traditions. You will encounter countless
wonderful rituals here, some recent and some quite old. Many are steeped in
history yet remain popular, even beloved, among Yalies. (And remember, you are
now a Yalie!)
One of our Yale traditions is singing an old song, “Bright College Years.”
Written in the late 19th century, it is our unofficial, but widely acknowledged,
alma mater. You will hear it at many campus events, often sung by the Yale Glee
Club and other Yale groups, and played by the Yale Precision Marching Band after
football games.
耶鲁的传统之一是唱一首古老的歌曲,叫Bright College Years
Now, I am not a singer. I am a bluegrass bass player. But I hope you will
indulge me for a moment:
The seasons come, the seasons go,
The earth is green or white with snow,
But time and change shall naught avail
To break the friendships formed at Yale.
These couplets are some of my favorites from “Bright College Years,” and,
in my experience, they are truthful. I suspect they will prove accurate for you
as well. But it is the song’s final lines, popular at alumni gatherings and
always sung with gusto, complete with the waving of handkerchiefs, that I want
to use to launch my topic for today:
Oh, let us strive that ever we
May let these words our watch cry be,
Where’er upon life’s sea we sail:
“For God, for Country and for Yale!”
“For God, for Country, and for Yale:” A member of the Yale College Class of
1881 named Henry Durand wrote this ballad, and the final lines were meant to be
a rallying cry. It made sense in those days to presume, as Durand did, that most
Yale students shared, or at least professed to share, the same god and the same
country. Most Yalies, until recent decades, were white, Protestant, and
American. And of course, until fifty years ago in Yale College, they were all
Today, Yale is a different place from the college Durand knew. We welcome
people from around the world, from every background and from every walk of
I am proud to be a Yale graduate. I received my Ph.D. in psychology from
Yale in 1986. A hundred years earlier, I may have been less likely to have been
admitted to Yale on account of my background; I am Jewish, with roots in Eastern
Europe. My wife Marta, another proud Yale graduate, received her master’s degree
in public health in 1984; her family is from Puerto Rico. Our stories are not
unique. Over the past decades, Yale has opened its doors wider and wider. We
have expanded the circle of belonging.
当然,今天的耶鲁早已不再是当时Henry Durand所认识的那所大学。我们欢迎来自世界各地的学生,不论背景,不分阶层。