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发表于 2018-9-1 20:33:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Music As Weapon
          ludwig van beethoven was one of the greatest musicians in the 19 th
century. john lennon was one of the greatest musicians in the 20 th century.
although there is a period of about 200 years between them, they are quite
similar in certain ways.
          both men expressed the spirit of their time in their music. beethoven lived
in the period of rising capitalism. at that time, people were trying to break
the shackles of feudalism , and they were pursuing freedom, equality, and
universal love. this social trend, especially the french revolution, greatly
inspired beethoven. his music was very active, passionate, and vigorous. some of
his works praised heroism, some conveyed the love for nature, and some extolled
harmony among people. similarly, lennon’s music revealed his time. in the 1960s
and 1970 s, the youth in america were deeply frustrated by the discrimination
and injustice in the society and were longing to build a new one . most of
lennon’s songs expressed the ideas of the youth. in one of his songs entitled
imagine, he sings,“imagine all the people , living under peace ”, and“the world
will be united together as one”. these words show his anti-war attitude and his
hope for peace , and reflect the spirit of the 60s and 70 s.
          both men were social rebels to some extent. they refused to bow to social
conventions and power. beethoven was a devoted republican . when napoleon was in
power, who claimed to be a defender of republicanism, beethoven admired him so
much that he dedicated his symphony no. 3, the theme of which is heroism, to
him. but then napoleon crowned himself and became an emperor. beethoven was so
angry that he openly declared he took back what he had said about napoleon,
regardless of possible persecution. lennon was also considered a trouble-maker
by the authorities because of his support for youth movements. for a time he was
not even allowed to give public performances. but he ignored all this and stuck
to his belief.
          Ⅰ. find the correct meanings of the words in the left from the right side

          1. passionate a. praise somebody or something highly
          2. dedicate b. discouraged, not satisfied
          3. frustrated c. caused by or showing strong feelings
          4. stick to d. not change something; keep to
          5. extol e. address ( one’s book, a piece of music) to somebody as a way of
showing respect
          Ⅱ. fill in the blanks :
          1. at the time of capitalism, people were trying to break the
_____________( 枷锁) of feudalism to pursue freedom _____________( 平等) and
_____________( 博爱) .
          2. in the 60 s and 70s, the youth in america were deeply frustrated by the
_____________( 歧 视) and _____________( 不公正) in the society and were longing to
build a new one.
          3. they refused to bow to social _____________( 习俗) and power and beethoven
was a _____________( 忠实的) republican.
          4. but then napoleon ________( 加冕) himself and became an emperor.
          1. c 2 . e 3. b 4 . d 5. a
          1. shackles / equality / universal love
          2. discrimination / injustice
          3. conventions / devoted
          4. crowned

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发表于 2018-9-1 22:09:29 | 显示全部楼层

          路 德维希· 冯· 贝多芬是18 世纪最伟大的音乐家之一。约翰· 列侬则是20 世纪最 有成就的音乐家之一。尽管两人相距近两百年,
          贝多芬和列侬都在音乐中表达各自的时代精神。贝多芬生活在资本主义崛起之时。 那时, 人们正试图打破封建主义的枷锁, 追求自由、平等和博爱。这种社会趋势,
特别是法 国大革命, 给了他极大的启发。贝多芬的音乐非常积极向上、热情激昂、气势磅礴。他的音 乐作品有的赞美英雄主义, 有的表达对自然的热爱之情,
还有的歌颂人与人之间的融洽情 感。和贝多芬一样, 列侬的音乐也展示了他生活的那个时代。20 世纪60 年代与70 年代,
美国社会上出现的歧视与不公正现象强烈地打击了青年们, 他们都期望建立新的社会。列 侬的歌曲大多表达了青年的这种思想。他在一首名为《想象》的歌曲中唱道,“
想象全人类 都生活在和平之中”,“ 世界大同”。这些歌词表达了他的反战情绪以及对和平的向往之 情, 并反射出上世纪60 和70 年代的时代精神。
          在 一定程度上, 两人都是社会的叛逆者。他们拒绝向社会习俗和权势低头。贝多芬是 个忠实的共和党人。拿破仑当权时曾宣称自己是共和制的捍卫者,
贝多芬非常钦佩他, 就 把歌颂英雄主义的作品《第三交响曲》献给了他。但是不久, 拿破仑就加冕称帝了。贝多 芬异常气愤, 不顾可能遭受的迫害,
公开宣布收回对拿破仑的赞扬。列侬因支持青年运动 也被当权者认定是捣乱分子, 甚至一度遭到封杀, 可他却依然不顾一切地坚持自己的信仰。
          我国著名音乐家冼星海说过:“音乐是人生最大的快乐, 音乐是生活中的一股清泉, 音 乐是陶冶性情的熔炉。”贝多芬和列侬不仅体验到了这种快乐,
还从中获得了一种促使他们 前进的精神力量。为了更好地生活, 我们也当悉心倾听音乐。倾听音乐才能更好地领悟音 乐。能够领悟音乐的人,
才能从一切世俗的烦恼中超脱出来, 才能更好地驾驭生活, 才能成 为生活的主人。
          1. 路德维希·冯·贝多芬( 1770—1827) , 德国作曲家, 毕生追求“ 自由、平等、博爱”的理 想, 其创作集西方古典乐派之大成,
开浪漫乐派之先河, 对后世西洋音乐的发展有深远影 响。贝多芬被后人尊称为“ 乐圣”,
其主要作品有《英雄》、《命运》、《田园》等交响乐9部,《悲怆》、《月光》、《暴风雨》等钢琴奏鸣曲32 部及弦乐四重奏17 部。文章中提及的 symphony
no. 3 即《第三交响曲》, 作品原来打算题献给贝多芬心目中的英雄拿破仑, 但 当他听说拿破仑称帝, 便划掉了献词。共和主义原则使他义愤填膺, 于是把题词改为
“ 为了纪念一位伟人”。
          2. 约翰·列侬( 1940—1980) ,“ 披头士”( beatles) 乐队主要代表人物, 被称为“ 摇滚之父”。
大家所熟悉的歌曲《黄色潜水艇》与《昨天》均出自该乐队。这支乐队属于先锋派, 他们比 较狂热与敏感, 是和平的忠实捍卫者。1980 年12 月8 日,
列侬在自己曼哈顿公寓的门口, 被一名疯狂的歌迷枪杀。文章中提到的《想象》表达了列侬呼唤和平时代到来的思想。
          3. shackle 原意是“镣铐, 手铐, 脚镣”, 常比喻为“ 枷锁, 桎梏, 束缚”, 这里就取此词的比喻 义。feudalism
意思是“封建主义, 封建制度”, 与前文中的capitalism, 即“ 资本主义, 资本 主义制度”是相对而言的。
          4. 这个词的意思是“ 颂扬, 赞扬, 赞美”, 是个美化用语的动词, 如: extol one’s merits ( 称颂 某人的功绩) ;
extol one to the skies ( 把某人捧上天) 。
          5. 这里指的是通常所说的拿破仑一世( 1769—1821) , 法兰西第一帝国和百日王朝皇帝。 1804 年, 拿破仑发动雾月18 日政变,
自任第一执政。他称帝后颁布的《拿破仑法典》对 后世有着重要影响。他在位时连年对外用兵, 滑铁卢战役惨败后被流放到圣赫勒拿岛。 今天所说的短语meet one’s
waterloo ( 惨遭失败) 即来源于此。
          6. 该词原本指“皇冠, 桂冠”, 这里用作动词, 意思是“ 为⋯⋯ 加冕, 立⋯⋯为君王”, 还有 “ 给⋯⋯戴( 花冠) ,
授⋯⋯以荣誉”的意思, 如: the emperor crowned the victor with laurel. ( 国王授予胜利者以桂冠。) 词组the
crown of the year 则指“收获季节, 秋季”。
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