球队的出色表现,也让更多人关注起了场边的主教练加雷斯·索斯盖特 (Gareth Southgate)
不少英格兰球迷纷纷表示,主教练的这件“幸运小马甲”(the 'lucky' waistcoat) 真好看呀~
There’s no disputing England's Gareth Southgate has already won one title
... that of the World Cup's most stylish manager.
His fashion prowess is down to a dapper three piece Marks and Spencer suit.
But it’s the waistcoat that’s been the real secret to his sartorial success.
And as he's worn it for every match which have taken England to the World
Cup quarter finals, that waistcoat is now considered rather lucky.
很快,主教练的同款“幸运小马甲”便被网友们扒了出来,来自英国品牌玛莎百货 (Marks &
在不少英格兰球迷眼中,主教练索斯盖特的这件“幸运小马甲”已然成为了球队幸运符! |