In an about-face, President Donald Trump on Tuesday ordered American flags
to be flown at half-staff in honor of the five people gunned down last week
inside a newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland.
The move follows a request by Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley, whose request
Monday was initially denied.
White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said the decision was reached
Monday night “as soon as the president heard about the request from the mayor,”
the Washington Post reported.
On Monday, Buckley said that while the state of Maryland had ordered flags
lowered in honor of those killed at the Capital Gazette, Trump declined the bid
for federal recognition.
“Obviously, I’m disappointed, you know?” Buckley said earlier. “Is there a
cutoff for tragedy?”
“显然,我很失望,”巴克利早前说道。 “悲剧有节点吗?”
The White House also has lowered flags for other mass shootings — such as
the 17 killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in
February, and the 10 cut down in May at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe,
白宫对其他大规模枪击事件下了半旗 - 例如2月份在佛罗里达州帕克兰的道格拉斯高中被杀害的17人,以及5月在德克萨斯州圣达菲高中遇难的10人。
“This was an attack on the press,” Buckley said. ”It was an attack on
freedom of speech. It’s just as important as any other tragedy.”
“这是对媒体的攻击,”巴克利说。 “这是对言论自由的攻击。这和任何其他悲剧一样重要。” |