46. Why does the author say that one needn't be concerned about memory
题干中,可以抽离出两组核心关键词(组)。其一,one needn't be concerned;其二,memory slips。
根据关键词我们很快定位到第一段的第三句话。But if you have memory slips, you probably needn't
worry. 后紧跟了一句解释:There are pretty clear differences between signs of dementia and
age related memory loss. 老年痴呆症的症状与年龄相关性记忆丧失有明显的区别。恰对应 A) Not all of them are
symptoms of dementia.
48. Which memory-related symptom should people take seriously?
根据本题题干,选出关键词,memory-related symptom和take
seriously。对应原文4和5两段,理解后得出A项。而剩余干扰项均是对原文某一细节的曲解。如B项中Inability to recall details
of one's life experience. 其对应5段1句原文强调entire experience这一整体。