长对话中,男的先说,Sophia, how are you doing,女的说, I’m on holiday with my family in
Thailand at the moment, although I wish it were with my friends
You never said you are going to Thailand. How I envy you
!真的吗?我太嫉妒你了,你也没有说你去泰国。紧接着女的说I’ve only been in here a week, but you know Thailand
is an amazing place,泰国特别好。
然后对话继续往下进行,Sophia说I met a guy from Germany yesterday. He showed me around
the office that he works at. Then I met many volunteer teachers who are mainly
young people from Europe.遇到一个德国的小伙,我们今天离开的时候他还挺悲伤,我想做志愿者再回来。
对话即将结束的时候,这个男的说不能跟你说了,我得挂了。他给了你一个理由, My phone battery is almost dead
now.说我得挂电话了,手机快没电了。所以是非常简单的对白。Remember to get me something from the souvenir
shops. I like to collect bits and pieces from different parts of the