发表于 2018-5-17 23:02:22
You are uniquely qualified, and therefore uniquely responsible, to build a
better way forward. That won’t be easy. It will require great courage.
你们有这样的资格,因此也要承担这样的责任,来更好的努力 。这并不容易,还需要很大的勇气。
But that courage will not only help you live your life to the fullest—it
will empower you to transform the lives of others.
Last month I was in Birmingham to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Dr.
King’s assassination. And I had the incredible privilege of spending time with
women and men who marched and worked alongside him.
Many of them were younger at the time than you are now. They told me that
when they defied their parents and joined the sit-ins and boycotts, when they
faced the police dogs and firehoses, they were risking everything they
had—becoming foot soldiers for justice without a second thought.
Because they knew that change had to come.
Because they believed so deeply in the cause of justice.
Because they knew, even with all the adversity they had faced, they had the
chance to build something better for the next generation.
We can all learn from their example. If you hope to change the world, you
must find your fearlessness.
Now, if you’re anything like I was on graduation day, maybe you’re not
feeling so fearless.
Maybe you’re thinking about the job you hope to get, or wondering where
you’re going to live, or how to repay that student loan. These, I know, are real
concerns. I had them, too. But don’t let those worries stop you from making a
Fearlessness means taking the first step, even if you don’t know where it
will take you. It means being driven by a higher purpose, rather than by
applause. It means knowing that you reveal your character when you stand apart,
more than when you stand with the crowd.
If you step up, without fear of failure… if you talk and listen to each
other, without fear of rejection… if you act with decency and kindness, even
when no one is looking, even if it seems small or inconsequential, trust me, the
rest will fall into place.
More importantly, you’ll be able to tackle the big things when they come
your way. It’s in those truly trying moments that the fearless inspire us.
Fearless like the students of Parkland, Florida—who refuse to be silent
about the epidemic of gun violence, and have rallied millions to their
Fearless like the women who say “me, too” and “time’s up”… women who cast
light into dark places, and move us toward a more just and equal future.
Fearless like those who fight for the rights of immigrants… who understand
that our only hopeful future is one that embraces all who want to
Duke graduates, be fearless.
Be the last people to accept things as they are, and the first people to
stand up and change them for the better.
In 1964, Martin Luther King, Jr. gave a speech at Page Auditorium to an
overflow crowd. Students who couldn’t get a seat listened from outside on the
lawn. Dr. King warned them that someday we would all have to atone, not only for
the words and actions of the bad people, but for “the appalling silence and
indifference of the good people, who sit around and say, ‘Wait on time.’”
Martin Luther King stood right here at Duke, and said: “The time is always
right to do right.” For you, graduates, that time is now.
It will always be now. It’s time to add your brick to the path of
It’s time for all of us to move forward.
And it’s time for you to lead the way.
Thank you—and congratulations, Class of 2018!
谢谢大家,祝贺你们,2018届的毕业生们。 |