She knew who she was, and she saw no need to apologize for it. In the
spring of 1990, the administration of Wellesley College — the alma mater, as it
happened, of Hillary Rodham Clinton — invited Barbara Bush, then the first lady
of the United States, to speak at commencement and receive an honorary degree.
Students at the women’s college protested, declaring in a petition that Mrs.
Bush had “gained recognition through the achievements of her husband,” and
adding that Wellesley “teaches us that we will be rewarded on the basis of our
own merit, not on that of a spouse.”
College)——碰巧是希拉里.罗德姆.克林顿(Hillary Rodham
And so a generational battle was joined. As her husband, George H. W. Bush,
put it in his private White House diary, Mrs. Bush was being attacked “because
she hasn’t made it on her own — she’s where she is because she’s her husband’s
wife.” Mr. Bush added: “What’s wrong with the fact that she’s a good mother, a
good wife, great volunteer, great leader for literacy and other fine causes?
Nothing, but to listen to these elitist kids there is.” To the young women of
the last decade of the 20th century, Mrs. Bush, who had dropped out of Smith
College to marry, seemed a throwback to a less enlightened time.
这其中还卷入了不同世代之间的争斗。她的丈夫乔治.H.W.布什(George H. W.
Mrs. Bush, who died on Tuesday at age 92, never flinched, appearing at
Wellesley and using her commencement address to explore the complexities of
life’s choices. There was no single path, she told the graduates; one followed
one’s heart and did the best one could. “Maybe we should adjust faster, maybe we
should adjust slower,” she said. “But whatever the era, whatever the times, one
thing will never change: Fathers and mothers, if you have children — they must
come first. You must read to your children, hug your children, and you must love
your children. Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not
on what happens in the White House, but on what happens inside your house.”
The loudest applause came when she remarked that perhaps there was someone
in the audience who would, like her, one day preside over the White House as the
president’s spouse. “And I wish him well,” Mrs. Bush said.
It was classic Barbara Pierce Bush: politically skillful, balanced — and
good for her husband, for she presented herself as at once reasonable and
reasonably conservative, which was the essence of Mr. Bush’s own political
这是典型的芭芭拉.皮尔斯.布什(Barbara Pierce