The world’s first "smart dressing room" was unveiled in Hangzhou West Lake
Intime shopping mall Thursday.
This new-type dressing room is equipped with automatic vending machines
where people can buy lipsticks, mascara, and BB Cushion from well-known
international brands like Lancome, Shu Uemura and Benefit.
There are also two virtual makeup mirrors developed by Tmall, a subsidiary
of China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba. Women can try makeup, and if they like what
they see they can scan a QR code to buy it. The product will then be delivered
to the buyer’s home, adding some fun to a boring wait time.
化妆间里还安装了两个虚拟化妆镜,由中国电商巨头阿里巴巴的子公司天猫开发。女性可以用它进行虚拟化妆,如果她们喜欢这种妆容,就能直接扫描二维码来购买。产品将被直接送到买家家里,这种方式为无聊的等待时间增添了乐趣。 |