A. Michael was at the hospital.
B. Michael met with Peter.
C. Michael was out to meet the client.
D. Michael went to Australia.
A. The organization of a conference.
B. The decoration of the conference room.
C. The reservation of a college auditorium.
D. The cost of renting a hotel conference room. 【听力材料】
11. M: Hello, Mary. This is Peter at the hospital. Is Michael home? W: No, he is not. I tried to reach him at the office a few minutes ago, but his secretary said he had been out for a meeting with the client from Australia. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 正确答案:C 解析:女士说自己给Michael打过电话,但是秘书说他跟客户开会去了。所以答案为C。选项预测可知,问题与Michael的行踪有关。BUT题型,but后的内容是关键。
12. W:The rate for a conference room at the hotel exceeds our expectations. We're already running in the red. And I don't think we can continue the project if we keep doing this. M: Have you considered an auditorium in the nearby college? Q: What's the woman worrying about? 正确答案:D 解析:女士因为酒店会议室的租金超出预期的数目而忧心忡忡。故答案为D。从选项推测,对话内容与“开会场地”有关。正确答案与原文(cost与rate)属于同种类型的中心词替换。
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