This world is not fair.这个世界并不是公平的。
Some people are born in wealthy families. They never need to worry about things like food as they grow up.有的人生于富贵之家,从小衣食无忧。
Some people are born in poor families. They need to learn how to survive when they were still kids.有的人家境贫寒,在很小的时候就得学会生存。
Some people are born in stable countries. They don't really know what it means to feel scared.有的人出生在稳定的国家,不知道什么是真正的不安。
Some people are born among wars and chaos. They need to do everything they can just to stay alive.有的人在战乱与混沌中长大,光是活下来就已经需要拼尽全力。
But people who are born in wealthy families can grow into useless ones and fall out of their previous social status.但是,出生在富裕之家的人,也可能变得一无是处,从此跌出自己原本的社会阶层。
People who are born in poor families can find a way that suits themselves to work hard and change their lives completely.生在贫寒之家的人,也有一部分找到了适合自己的奋斗之路,然后让生活发生了质的飞跃。
People who are born in stable countries can choose wrong paths and become timing bombs for their societies.生在稳定国家的人,有可能误入歧途,变成社会上的定时炸弹。
Yet there are lights of humanity even in the most chaotic country in the world.而即使在最混乱的国家,也有人性的光辉在四处闪耀。
20 years ago, Zuckerberg was still a teenager whom no one knew. Even when he founded Facebook, there were not many people who saw a promising futre in him.20年前,扎克伯格只是一个默默无闻的穷小子,即使是他创立 Facebook 的时候,也没有多少人看重他。
But now he has become one of the most important figures around the world.而他现在已经是全世界最重要的人之一了。
Your way of thinking decides your fate.你的思维决定了你的命运。
It would be the greatest regret in your whole life if you let opportunities slip away through your fingers.机会来了却无法抓住,会是人生中最大的遗憾。
(翻译:能猫) |