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        Negotiating your salary as an early-career employee is a challenge: After all, you can't offer a wealth of experience or specialized abilities and talents built up over the course of a career. And employees in the early stages of their career may require a lot from colleagues and managers: mentorship, direction, and training.对处在事业起步期的员工来讲,协商薪资是一大挑战:毕竟,你无法提供只有在职业生涯中才能建立的丰富经验,或是专业能力和才能。而处在职业生涯初期的员工却需要同事和管理人员的许多帮助,如辅导,指导和培训等。
        No wonder many millennials may feel reticent to negotiate; a survey by Nerd Wallet and Looksharp revealed that only 38 percent of respondents negotiated with employers.难怪许多千禧一代的人会不愿去协商。Nerd Wallet和Looksharp公司的一项调查显示,只有38%的受访者与雇主进行了协商。
        This is a real missed opportunity. Employers expect to engage in salary negotiations and often build in wiggle room while making their initial offers. Read on to find out why salary negotiation is so important for millennials — particularly in the early stages of your career — and winning strategies that can increase an offer. 这真的是错失了良机。其实,雇主是期望进行薪资协商的,他们在提供起薪时常会构建可回旋的空间。继续往下读,你就能了解为什么薪资协商对于千禧一代来说是如此的重要——特别是在你职业生涯初期——制胜策略能帮你增加薪酬。
        Why Salary Negotiation Is So Important 为什么薪资协商如此重要
        There are more reasons to negotiate your salary than just getting more money in your wallet — for one thing, it shows employers that you are confident in your worth, and asserts from the get-go that you are a valuable employee. Plus, since employers often expect to negotiate, failing to do so leaves money on the table.薪资协商的理由有很多,不仅仅是为了得到更多的薪酬——一方面。这表明雇主对你的价值充满信心,并坚信你是一位有价值的员工。另外,因为雇主经常期待协商,所以不这样做得话你就会失去一些利益。
        Negotiating those early offers reaps long-term financial rewards over the course of your career. Percentage-based bonuses and raises will be bigger, for instance, if your starting salary is that much higher. Plus, salaries tend to follow you from job to job: During interviews, you may be asked about your current salary or your salary history.早期进行薪资协商可以让你在整个职业生涯中获得长期的经济回报。例如,如果你的起薪高得多,那么基于百分比的奖金和加薪数额就会更大。此外,在你换工作时,薪资也会如影随形:面试过程中,面试官可能会询问你当前的薪资或是以往的薪资数额。
        6 Salary Negotiation Tips for Millennials千禧一代的6种薪资协商技巧
        1. Do Your Homework1.做好自身的功课
        Similar roles in similar industries tend to have something else in common: the salary range. Note that geography can play a big role as well — the same job, even for the same company, may have a different salary on the coasts, where the cost of living is high, compared to areas with a lower cost-of-living.相似行业的相似角色中,往往在某些方面会有共同点:薪资范围。注意,地理因素其实也发挥着重要作用——即使对于同一家公司而言,同一份工作,在生活成本高的沿海地区和在生活成本较低的地区,它的薪水是不同的。
        Salary numbers are often opaque. Friends, family, and co-workers can be reluctant to share details. The internet, however, and anonymous surveys, can help you research industry salaries, or even salary ranges at a specific company. Try sites like FairyGodBoss, Payscale, and Glassdoor to learn more about industries and companies. And use free salary calculators to help know what offers to expect.薪资数额往往是不透明的。朋友,家人和同事之间都不大愿意分享工资的具体情况。但是,互联网和匿名调查可以帮助你研究行业的薪资,甚至是某一特定公司的薪资范围。你可以尝试使用这样的一些网站,来了解有关行业和公司的更多信息,像FairyGodBoss,Payscale和Glassdoor等等。然后通过免费的薪水计算器来了解自己该期望的薪资是多少。
        2. Consider the Full Package — Not Just the Salary2.全面考虑——不局限于薪水
        Before a job offer, the salary can feel like the biggest question mark, and also the biggest motivating factor. But other benefits make a big financial difference to your life, too: A match in your retirement account, for instance, is basically the same as salary (it's just money that you won't be able to touch for years and years). If there isn't much room for you to negotiate for the salary, see if there is any wiggle room for better benefits and perks: You can ask for more vacation days, a consistent work-from-home day, stock offerings, or other non-salary perks. Here are important questions to ask about the benefits package.在得到工作之前,薪水算是最大的问题所在,也是最大的动因。但是其他福利也会对你的生活造成巨大的财务影响。例如,你退休账户里的储蓄基本上就等同于薪资(只是这些钱多年来你都无法触及罢了)。如果薪资协商时没有任何的回旋余地了,你可以看看能否争取更好的福利和津贴:你可以要求更多的休假日,连续的在家工作时间,股票发行或是其他非工资津贴。这都是有关福利待遇的重要问题。
        3. Be Reasonable in Your Asks3. 要求合理
        The millennial generation is often summed up with one word: entitled. Setting aside whether that's true or not — I'd argue it's not a fair or accurate assessment — the reality is it's one of the many assumptions millennials face during the job application process.千禧一代的人常被认为:主张权利。抛开这是否是真的——我认为这是一个不公平或者不准确的评估——事实上,这只是千禧一代在工作申请过程中面临的许多假设之一而已。
        Avoid feeding into it by being reasonable in your requests throughout negotiation. 协商期间可以通过合理的请求避免对方有类似想法。
        Ask for one or two things — negotiating for a higher salary, more vacation days, and a change to the leave policy is perhaps too many requests, and might make the company wonder if you are even planning on working. Before you negotiate, make sure you know how to make a counter offer, and what's reasonable to ask for.
        4. But Do Always Ask — Especially If You're a Woman4.一定要问——尤其是你是女人的话
        Here's the flipside, though, to being reasonable in your salary request: If you don't ask, you don't get. It's a cliché for a reason — companies do typically expect a certain level of negotiation. While it's possible your counter offer will be turned down flat, it's also possible that you will get a bit more money. Don't leave money on that table! 虽然薪资要求要合理,但是另一方面:如果你不问,你就得不到。这个理由早已是陈词滥调了——公司通常期望一定程度的协商。虽然你的讨价还价可能会被直接拒绝,但也有可能你会得到更多的薪酬。所以,不要主动放弃自己的利益!
        And if you're a woman, this advice goes double: That's because as of 2016, women make 74 cents for every dollar earned by men. There are many complicated factors influencing the discrepancy between male and female wages in the United States, but one of them is that women are less likely to negotiate a job offer. Here are strategies women can use to negotiate a higher salary.如果你是一个女人,这个建议更是加倍适用:因为自2016年起,男性每赚1美元女性才赚74美分。影响美国男女工资差距的因素有很多复杂因素,但其中之一就是女性很少进行薪资协商。因此,女性可以使用这些策略来协商,从而得到一份更高的薪水。
        5. Take a Moment5.花费点时间
        An important thing to remember about salary negotiations is that you're not playing a card game or making a wager on Jeopardy. You don't have endless time to deliberate and research, but you're going to get played off the stage for spending a few hours — or even a day — planning a counter offer or thinking about how to negotiate. Take the time to evaluate the job offer to make sure it's the right opportunity to you. Your patience may even encourage the company to make a counter offer without you requesting it! 关于薪资协商,重要的一件事情就是,你不是在玩纸牌游戏或是在《危险边缘》节目中下赌注。你虽然没有无尽的时间来仔细考虑和研究,但你能台下发挥,花费几个小时(甚至一天)的时间来计划讨价还价或思考如何协商。花点时间衡量下工作机会,以确保这是你合适的机会。你的耐心甚至可能促使公司在没有你要求的情况下先进行讨价还价!
        6. Make a Good Argument6. 有力的论证
        It's possible that a company may offer X dollars, and when you counter with "I'd like Y dollars," the company will agree. But it's a better plan to make a pitch for why you deserve more. Your research can help. Instead of saying "I'd like Y dollars," you can say, "In industry X, a salary of Y dollars is more common." 公司可能想提供X美元,而当你以“我想要Y美元”时,公司有可能会同意。但是,更好的办法是说好话,说明为什么你应得更多。这时你的调查就起到了作用。你不要说“我想要Y美元”,而要说“在X行业,Y美元的薪水是比较普遍的”。
        Reminding an employer of industry standards is a successful technique. But even better is to frame your negotiation in terms of the benefits you'd bring the company — remind the employer of why they offered you the job, and want you on their team.提醒雇主该行业的标准是一门成功的技术。但更稳妥的是,根据你带给公司的利益来进行协商,提醒雇主当初为什么他们愿意给你工作,并希望你参与其中。

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