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发表于 2017-10-12 21:57:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        You’ve heard all about the gender pay gap in the US, and can probably recite the statistics in your sleep—particularly the 79 cents on the dollar that women earn compared to their male peers.你一定听过美国的性别收入差别,可能在闭着眼都能列举出来,尤其是女性比男性同事少挣79美分的事。
        We’re not about to try and solve the national pay gap. But what we can show you is how to narrow your personal pay gap. Here’s what you need to know, say, and do to earn more money.我们不是想要解决国家的收入薪酬差距,但我们能告诉你如何缩小你个人的收入差距。为了多挣一些钱,以下是你应该知道的,以及怎样说和怎样做。
        What You Need to Know你应该知道的
        “The very first thing you need to know is how much you’re worth and how much a man in an equivalent position is worth,” says Alison Doyle, Job Search expert for The Balance.“你应该知道的第一件事是你的价值以及和你处于相同岗位的男性的价值,”Alison Doyle说,她是The Balance的求职专家。
        You can start by going to Glassdoor.com, Payscale.com, Indeed.com and other salary sites to get a sense of what salaries are like for jobs you are looking at. But know that those numbers—because they’re based on the average salaries of both men and women—are going to be low. You want to aim for the average of men, so take the numbers you find and increase them by a good 25 percent.你可以从Classdoor.com、Payscale.com、Indeed.com以及其他薪资网站了解你想找的工作是什么样的薪资标准。但要知道这些数字会偏低一些,因为这是男性和女性的平均水平。你想要知道男性的平均工资,就把你找到的数字提高25%。
        Human resources and job boards may also be a good source of information, Doyle notes. “Ask: Is there a salary range for this position? Some of them list it right on the website.”人事和工作板块也是获取信息的来源,Doyle提示道。“问:这个职位有薪酬范围吗?一些职位会在网站上列出来。”
        If you’re negotiating for a raise rather than a new job, you also need to have a good handle on what you’ve contributed, says Dr. Ben Sorenson, Vice President for Optimum Associates. Rather than try to create a document that charts this looking back, start today and do it going forward. If you receive an email from your boss that pats you on the back for a big win, put it in the folder.如果你更想提升薪资而不是找一份新工作,你同样需要处理好自己奉献的一切,最佳伙伴的副主席Ben Sorenson博士如是说。与其不断回头看过去,不如从现在开始向未来前进。如果你接到了一封老板的邮件鼓励你取得了成功,把它收在文件夹里吧。
        The same goes for the sales numbers in which you’ve played a role—particularly ones that show how your performance this year improved over last.对于你的销售业绩也是同样的道理,尤其是展示了你在今年有提升表现的方面。
        What You Need to Say你需要说的
        When an offer hits the table, you’re tempted to do a little dance of joy. Do it in your head—but don’t let it hit your face. Say ‘thank you,’ of course (Doyle says being nice rather than contentious is key), then ask for time to consider.当收到一份工作邀请,你很容易感到快乐。在脑中想想就行了,千万别表现在脸上。当然要说“谢谢”(Doyle说表现的友善是关键),然后申请一些时间来考虑。
        When you’re ready to respond, here’s one way to ask for more: “I’m really excited about the offer, but based on my research, it seems low.” Also, let the company know they’re not the only game in town: “I need to give the other companies I’m talking to the courtesy of telling them I have an offer. I would do the same for you.”当你准备好回复时,有一个方法可以让你得到更多收入:“我很高兴收到这份工作邀请,但基于我的研究,待遇有点低。”同时,让公司知道他们不是你唯一的选择。“出于礼貌,我需要回复其他公司我收到了工作邀请。当然如果我收到了其他公司的邀请,也会同样告知你们。”
        If instead, you’re asking for a raise, you need a different language. Again, it comes back to your performance. (“Think not of what your company does for you,” one of my early bosses advised me, riffing on JFK, “but of what you do for your company.”) Lay it on the table, then ask: “As a result of this performance, would it be possible to get a raise or increase in pay?” If the answer is no, follow up immediately with: “I’d like to get your feedback on increasing my pay to this level, based on where I stand in the organization and on my performance,” Sorenson advises.如果你想要涨薪,则需要另一番说辞。又回到了你的表现。(“不是考虑公司能为你做什么,”我之前的一个老板建议我,他就职于JFK,“而是你能为公司做什么。”)把这项考虑在内,然后问:“如果我能为公司这样做,有可能得到薪资提升吗?”如果答案是否定的,立刻再追问一句,“综合考虑我所在的组织以及我的表现,希望你可以把我的收入提升到这个等级,”Sorenson建议道。
        What You Shouldn’t Say你不应该说的
        When applying to a new job, it’s common to be asked your salary history, or how much money you want to make. Don’t answer these questions, says Katie Donovan, founder of equalpaynegotiations.com.当你找工作时,被问到工资历史,或者你想要多少薪水都是很常见的。别回答这些问题,equalpaynegotiations.com网站的创始人Katie Donovan说。
        “Answering either one of these questions is going to keep you underpaid,” she says, adding that if you’re filling out an online application, you should leave it blank.“回答任何一个问题都会让你得到低报酬,”她说。并且补充道,如果你在填写一份线上申请,你应该跳过不填。
        (“If it’s a required field put in 0.00,” she says. “For most systems that’ll be accepted; they’re just looking for a digit.”)(“如果是必填项就写0.00,”她说。“大多数系统都能接受,他们只是要一个数字而已。”)
        And if you’re asked what you are currently making? “If you’re among the 60 percent of Americans working in the private sector, it’s actually confidential,” Donovan says. And Massachusetts just made it illegal to ask about salary history in a job interview, a trend that could go nationwide. So in many cases, you can honestly say you’re not allowed to reveal it.如果你被问到目前是做什么的?“如果你属于60%从事个体工作的美国人之一,这是很机密的问题,”Donovan说。马萨诸塞州刚刚把在面试中询问工资历史列为违法,这种趋势很可能全国普及。所以在大多数情况下,你可以诚实地说你不能透露。
        Or you can find another way to dodge the question:或者你可以找其他方式来推脱问题:
          ● “It’s not about me, it’s about the job. What is the job budgeted for?”“不是针对我,而是针对这份工作。这份工作的的薪资预算是多少?”
          ● “I’m moving from a city where the cost of living is less expensive.”“我刚从另一座城市来,那里的生活成本没有这么高。”
          ● “I just got a graduate degree, so I’m not sure my past salary is relevant.”“我刚获得硕士学位,所以我过去的薪资可能不能作为参考。”
        If all else fails, Doyle says, you can throw out a range, but do it with a codicil about why you expect to be at the high end of that.如果这些都失败了,Doyle说,你可以扔出一个范围,但要清晰阐述为什么你期望获取最高的薪资。
        How to Say It如何说
        I’ve always agreed with Julia Roberts in “Erin Brockovitch” and Meg Ryan in “You’ve Got Mail”: Work is personal. And for that reason, it can be emotional. But when you’re negotiating, you’ve got to leave that emotion at the door. That means the idea of fairness—and the fact that others at the company may earn more—should not enter the discussion.我总是同意Julia Roberts关于“Erin Brockovitch”以及Meg Ryan关于“你收到了邮件”的看法:工作是个人的。出于这个原因,它可以很情绪化。但当你商议的时候,不要带着情绪。这就是说可能会失败的想法,以及公司里其他人可能挣得更多的事实,不应该进入到讨论中。
        “You’re not negotiating for equal pay,” says Sorenson. “You’re negotiating for elevated pay.”“你不是在商议平等工资,”Sorenson说。“你是在商议提高工资。”

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