People don't often look back on the early 1900's for advice, but what if we
could actually learn something from the Lost Generation?
The New York Public Library has digitized 100 "how to do it" cards found in
cigarette boxes over 100 years ago, and the tips they give are so practical that
millennials reading this might want to take notes.
How to Prevent Colours Running
To prevent colours in household linen from running and staining other linen
when washed together, coloured things should first be steeped in a solution of
salt water. A double handful of salt to a gallon of water is a good propotion,
and coloured things should be left to soak in this for about twenty-four
家用亚麻布质料的衣服在清洗的时候容易褪色,还会给其他亚麻布衣服染色,为了避免这一情况,应该先把色彩鲜艳的衣服浸泡在盐水里。两把盐,一加仑水的比例比较合适。将色彩鲜艳的衣服在盐水里泡大约24小时就可以了。 |