“That jacket's smart,” is a phrase we all like to hear from others. After all, who doesn't enjoy receiving a compliment about how they dress?“你的夹克真酷”,想必人人都爱听这样的赞美。谁又会拒绝别人对自己穿着的肯定呢?
But now Levi's have taken the phrase literally and developed a jacket that's ‘smart’ in the same way your phone is smart.眼下,李维斯就做出了真正的“酷衣”——一款和你的手机一样酷的新型夹克。
The Commuter Trucker jacket, a product of a collaboration between the famous jeans maker and Google, has all manner of electronic jiggery-pokery embedded in its fabric.著名牛仔品牌Commuter Trucker和谷歌合作生产了这款夹克,所有电子设备都藏在布料里。
The cuffs, for example, are touch enabled and have a Bluetooth connection to your handset, meaning that you can access all kind of control functions for which you would have otherwise needed your Android or iOS to hand.比方说袖口就装有触摸型蓝牙控制器,这样不用拿出手机就能控制手机上的各种应用了。
So no more rummaging around in your bag to find your mobile whenever you need to handle calls, stop and start your music, get directions or adjust the volume - it's all there on your sleeve, and accessible with just a swipe or a tap.再也不用在包里瞎找手机,接电话、开关音乐、控制音量都通过袖口操作,而且只需要轻轻一滑或者按键哦。
It's also perfect if you're out and about on your bike and don't want to take your life - or anyone else's - into your own hands each time you need to read an important incoming text.外出骑行要看重要短信时,要是不想拿自己的性命(或者别人的性命)开玩笑的话,有这样一件衣服岂不是很完美。
However, given that most of these innovations are already available to anyone with a smart phone an a pair of Bluetooth earbuds, it's too early to tell if it'll be big seller - it retails for $350 (£260).但是,虽然这样的发明已经面向有智能手机和蓝牙耳机的受众,很难讲它的销量能有多高——毕竟一件夹克就要350美元。
It looks stylish though - going the classic Americana route rather foil-wrapped Jetsons futurama - and the techy cuff thing is easily removable whenever you want to give the jacket a clean.这款夹克非常时尚,属于传统的美国风格,没有科幻鸡肋式的金属外壳,高科技袖口极易装卸,洗衣服的时候并不妨碍。
The jacket can only be washed (once the smart tag has been removed) up to 10 times. According to a support page, that's it: 10 times before the tech starts to get a bit wonky and you a bit whiffy.但是这款夹克只能洗十次(移除袖口后)。有报道称:“在高科技摇摇欲坠,而你阵阵臭味之前只能洗十次哟。”
Still, at least you'll finally be able to roll up your sleeves.当然,至少还能卷起袖子。
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