Tom Cruise Partially Blamed for Plane Crash That Killed Two People on Set of American Made《美国制造》事件发酵,阿汤哥是否要为此事负责
The families of two men who died following a September 2015 plane crash on the set of American Made claim Tom Cruise is partially to blame for the fatal accident.好莱坞电影《美国制造》曝出争议事件,因在该片拍摄期间,两名飞行员因协助拍摄遭遇飞机失事意外,当场身亡,死者家属对此提出控告,称汤姆克鲁斯需为此负责。
Three of the pilots hired for the movie were involved in a plane crash during filming when their twin-engine Piper Smith Aerostar 600 went down in the mountains. Alan Purwin and Carlos Berl died on the scene, while Jimmy Lee Garland was left without feeling in the lower half of his body.这次事故涉及三名飞行员,他们所驾驶的双引擎航空之星600撞上了山,Purwin 和Carlos Berl当场身亡,另一名机上组员身受重伤,下半身瘫痪。
They allege that the production companies ignored safety procedures before the flight in order to save time and money.家属们声称电影制作公司为了节省时间和金钱,在拍摄打斗场景之前并没有遵守安全的操作流程。
The lawsuit also claims one of the executive producers on the film sent a formal complaint to the insurance company about Cruise and Liman.诉讼中还包括一名执行导演向保险公司提出的对于克鲁斯和导演的正式申诉。
The families are also suing each other, with Berl’s family filing a suit against Garland, the only survivor.同时,这三个家庭互相也有诉讼,Berl家就将唯一的幸存者Garland告上了法庭。
Universal Pictures and Cruise had no comment on the matter.公司和汤姆克鲁斯本人还未对此事表态。
翻译:进击的Meredith |