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发表于 2017-9-20 20:59:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Duchess of Cambridge has made her first appearance since her pregnancy announcement in a charity video about children's mental health.凯特王妃在公布怀孕后首次在公益视频中亮相,主要谈论儿童心理健康问题。
Kate, who has been forced to take a break from public duties due to morning sickness, today launched the 'You're never too young to talk mental health' campaign by the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families.凯特此前因为妊娠反应过于严重,不得不暂时放下公务。今天通过安妮·弗洛伊德国家儿童家庭中心(Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families)发起了“儿童心理健康问题不容忽视(You're never too young to talk mental health)”的活动。
In a video recorded in January, several months before she is believed to have fallen pregnant, Kate urged parents to encourage their children to be 'open about their feelings'.该视频是在1月份录制的。当时,凯特王妃还未怀有身孕,就督促家长要鼓励孩子表达感情。
The campaign, which aims to promote mental health awareness in schools, includes a video introduction from Kate, which she recorded on a visit to the Child Bereavement UK Centre in East London in January this year.此次活动旨在加强校内心理健康意识,今年1月凯特王妃前往伦敦东部参观儿童哀悼中心(Child Bereavement UK Centre)时拍摄了介绍视频。
Discussing the campaign, Kate, who is soon-to-be a mother-of-three, said: 'As parents, we all want our children to have the best possible start in life.即将成为三个孩子的母亲的凯特王妃,在谈及活动时说:“作为父母,我们都希望孩子的人生能有个好的开始。”
'Encouraging children to understand and be open about their feelings can give them the skills to cope with the ups and downs that life will throw at them as they grow up.“鼓励孩子理解、表达情感能帮助他们学会如何处理成长中遇到的喜悦和挫折。”
'It's important that our children understand that emotions are normal, and that they have the confidence to ask for help if they are struggling.“让孩子知道有情绪是正常的,以及遇到困难要勇敢的寻求帮助,这很重要。”
'This is why I am proud to support the "You're never too young to talk mental health" campaign by the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, which is being rolled out across primary schools this autumn.“这也是我支持安妮·弗洛伊德国家儿童家庭中心‘儿童心理健康问题不容忽视’活动的原因,今年秋天这个活动也会在各个小学开展。”
'The campaign's resources are excellent tools to support parents. They demonstrate how we can help children express their feelings, respond appropriately, and prevent small problems from snowballing into bigger ones.'“这场活动能够很好的帮助家长。我们能从中学到要如何帮助孩子表达情感、做出正确的回应,防微杜渐。”
The campaign kicks off with an animation co-produced by children and teachers, which is accompanied by free teaching materials designed to help children learn the life-long skills to help them talk about 'big' and 'small' feelings, and how to listen to their friends when they need to talk.这场活动起源于一部由老师和学生共同制作的动画片,还有免费的教具,用来帮助儿童学习一生受用的技巧,帮助他们讲述各种大大小小的情感问题,告诉他们当朋友需要倾诉时该如何倾听。
A leaflet to help parents and carers start conversations with their children about mental health is also published today.帮助儿童监护人和孩子探讨心理健康问题的手册也将于今天出版。
Every primary school in the England will receive a downloadable teaching resource pack this week, including assembly and lesson plans to enable them to use the animation in school for World Mental Health Day.本周所有英国小学都会收到一份可下载的教学资源包,其中包括会议和教学计划,让各校在世界心理健康日播放动画。
Kate visited the centre earlier this year and while she may have a full-time live-in nanny and a mother who gives her plenty of help with Prince George, three, and Princess Charlotte, Kate suggested it still wasn't easy bringing up a family.凯特王妃今年早些时候参观了安妮·弗洛伊德国家儿童家庭中心,尽管她可能雇佣着一个全职保姆,母亲也帮着一起照顾三岁的乔治王子和夏洛特公主,凯特依然表示照顾家庭不是一件容易的事。
After listening to the stories of a group of mothers who have been through problems such as a family history of abuse and addiction, she admitted that 'Parenting is tough'.听了几位母亲经历了家暴、酗酒等家族史后,凯特说:“做父母真的不容易。”
She added: 'And with the history and all the things and the experiences you've all witnessed, to do that on top of your own anxieties, and the lack of support you also received as mothers...I find it extraordinary how you've managed actually. So really well done.'她还说:“有着这样的家族史和所经历过的一切,要教育好孩子还要克服自己的焦虑和缺失的支持,你们真的很伟大,做得很好。”
She visited the unit to learn more about its work with families who have children under five that are at risk of being taken into care.凯特还参观了其他部分,了解到有些家庭的孩子不足五岁,却似乎无法得到照顾。
The Duchess sadly had to miss Prince George's first day of school because of the condition.凯特王妃因为妊娠反应错过了乔治王子的开学第一天。
However, her husband, Prince William, told well-wishers that she was 'doing well' during a visit to Liverpool earlier this month.但是威廉王子告诉关心的人们,凯特王妃在本月初利物浦访问时一切都好。
He also appeared to let slip at the time that Kate was 11 weeks along. This would mean her baby's due date would be March next year.他似乎还透漏出凯特的身孕已有11周了,这样的话孩子将于明年三月出生。

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