Sleeping well has a far more profound impact on wellbeing than a significant pay rise, according to new research.一项新研究指出,与大幅度的涨工资相比,睡个好觉对幸福感的影响更大。
A survey of thousands of Britons found that a healthy amount of sleep was the strongest indicator of living well.针对数千位英国人的一项调查发现,那些能够保证健康睡眠的人的幸福指数最高。
Researchers asked 8,250 people questions about 60 different aspects of their lives, including how they behaved and felt. The same panel will be questioned every six months, allowing researchers to trace the effects of lifestyle on how Britons feel.研究人员请了8250人回答60个关于生活不同方面的问题,包括他们的行为和感受。这些人每六个月会接受一次询问,以使研究人员探索生活方式对英国人的感受的影响。
Researchers found the average Briton had a “living well score” of around 62 out of 100, with those living the best defined as the 20 per cent of the population with the largest number of points, scoring between 72 and 92.研究人员发现,如果一个人的“幸福评分”满分为100分的话,英国人的平均分大约为62分,而幸福评分最高的那20%的人口,也就是过得最好的那些人,他们的评分在72分到92分之间。
Income had little impact on how well people felt, the researchers found, with a 50 per cent pay rise lifting a wellbeing score by just 0.5.研究员发现,收入几乎不会影响人们的感受,就算工资上涨50%,幸福评分也只增加了0.5分。
Meanwhile, sleep quality could explain 3.8 points of difference between a typical person’s score and those in the top 20 per cent. For the average person, improving sleep to the level of someone at the top of the index would be equivalent to them having over four times as much disposable income.与此同时,睡眠质量却可以解释为什么一个有代表性的人的评分与幸福评分最高的那20%的人之间会有3.8分的差异。对普通人而言,把睡眠质量提高到幸福指数最高的那部分人的水平,它所达到的效果可能相当于可支配收入上涨四倍。
Those who were satisfied with their sex lives, felt secure in their job and were connected to their community were also disproportionately likely to rank at the top of the Living Well Index.那些对夫妻生活满意、在工作中体会到安全感以及与自己所在的团体联系紧密的人,他们的幸福指数较高的可能性也要大一些。
Ian Mulheirn, Director of Consulting at Oxford Economics, said: “Wellbeing is rising up the agenda at a time of rapid change in how we live our lives. In a world that’s never been more connected, the richness of our relationships and support networks remains among the biggest determinants of how well we live.”牛津经济研究院咨询部总监伊恩·穆尔赫恩表示,“随着我们生活方式的迅速改变,我们的幸福感正在提升。在一个人与人之间从未如此紧密相连的世界里,我们的人际关系和支持网络的丰富度依然是影响我们生活质量的最大的决定因素。”
(翻译:Dlacus) |