Kensington Palace's announcement last week that Will and Kate are expecting a third child spurred a joyous media frenzy. News outlets (including our own) issued congratulations to the expecting couple and then immediately started predicting names for the future royal baby and chronicling Duchess Kate's best maternity looks.上周,肯辛顿宫发布公告称,威廉王子和凯特王妃将会迎来第三胎,这一新闻引起各大媒体的热议,各大媒体也都纷纷致贺这对满怀期待的夫妇,并开始猜测第三个宝宝会叫什么名字,以及准备把凯特在孕期的扮相拍摄纪录下来,因为此前两次孕期凯特就有着不错的衣品。
Earlier this year, the British government passed a cap on child tax credits. Families would only be able to claim the incentive, which can be worth up to £2,780 per year for each child, for their first two kids. 今年早些时候,英国政府给儿童税收抵免设了上限。每个家庭最先生育的两个孩子,只能享受最高每人每年不超过2780英镑的补贴。
Needless to say, the less-than-ideal optics of the royals announcing a third child so soon after this legislation passed speak for themselves.不必说,在这个立法项目以后不久,这个养尊处优的皇室就宣布怀了第三个孩子的消息。[/cn]
"When news broke this morning that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were set to birth a third child, another royal spawn, the story left a bitter taste in this pleb's mouth," wrote Michael Segalov for Huck Magazine, a British publication今天早上威廉和凯特要添第三个孩子,即另一个皇室成员的消息传出以后,大众舆论就略显辛辣。”英国Huck杂志的Michael Segalov写道。
"Because while families up and down the United Kingdom are now struggling to feed and clothe their children, or are being forced to consider carefully whether they can even afford to bring new life into this world, one family living on the most generous benefits scheme this country has ever offered faces no such dilemma. 在英国还有孩子吃不饱、穿不暖,家庭对是否负担得起一个新生命来到世界考虑再三。然鹅,同时在英国又有这么一个家庭享受着国家提供最好的福利政策,完全不同担心会面临这样的窘境。
Will and Kate aren't having to rethink their plans for a family and their futures, their security is coming at the taxpayer's expense."威廉和凯特从来不需要为家庭计划和他们的未来思前想后,他们生活的保障都来自纳税人的钱。
To be clear, the majority of Will and Kate's "royal allowance" doesn't come from the taxpayers (though a portion of their funding does), but the point still stands, and was made many times over on Twitter.要清楚一点的是,他们大部分的“皇室补贴”不是来自纳税人,虽然仍然有一部分的确是,所以观点仍然成立,这一点在推特上也是被网民讨论再三。
U.S. organization Having Kids started urging the royals to stop at two children even before the announcement revealing Kate's pregnancy. Following the Duchess's joke in Prague about wanting another baby, the group wrote an open letter to the royals about the importance of small families for the world's resources.美国富人Having Kids机构曾在凯特宣布怀孕前强烈建议皇室只要两个孩子就够了。之后凯特王妃在布拉格曾开玩笑说道想再要一个孩子,然后该机构就像她写了一封公开信,旨在说明少养孩子对世界资源的重要性。
"As you know and appreciate, the example the British Royal Family sets is extremely influential. Many studies also show that public figures serve as effective role models when it comes to family planning. Your discussion of having a larger family raises compelling issues of sustainability and equity," reads the letter.信中是这样陈述的,“你们都应该明了,皇室就是绝对的标杆,影响力很大。许多研究表明普通家庭在做计划生育的时候都会参照皇室来制定。你们选择多要孩子无疑会引起可持续和公平方面的问题。“
"Large families are not sustainable," it continued, citing the impact that family planning has on climate change, and the well being of children overall.信中还说“家庭成员多,一点也不可持续。”计划生育总是不仅对气候有影响,还关乎到孩子的健康。
Valid points are certainly made by the royal critics, but perhaps it's the political (and patriarchal) system that deserves the scrutiny, and not the newly pregnant Kate.这些皇室批评家们言之有物,或许需要接受批判的是这个政治体系,而非刚刚怀孕的凯特王妃。
"One could argue it's just an unhappy coincidence that the announcement of a third royal baby comes in the same year the Government deems third babies a luxury not every family has earned. “现在英国政府把生育第三个小孩看成是一件奢侈品,不是适合每一个家庭,而巧合的是,同年,英国王室宣布将迎来第三胎。”
(翻译:林浔鸥) |