A major security review was launched last night after a suspected stalker was arrested attempting to break into Prince George’s school.昨晚发布了一起重大安全通知,一名疑似跟踪者试图闯入乔治王子的学校,最终被逮捕。
The 40-year-old woman was detained by undercover police officers yards from the gates of Thomas’s London Day School in Battersea, south-west London.这名跟踪者现年40岁,女,被便衣警察在伦敦东南部巴特西托马斯伦敦日校(Thomas's London Day School)校门不远处逮捕。
Teachers were on red alert after the same woman had been able to briefly talk her way into the building posing as a legitimate visitor 24 hours earlier.24小时前,这位跟踪者就以合法访问者的身份进入了校园,随后她又自如地进入教学楼,老师们不由得警觉起来。
She escaped when challenged by staff but was spotted again loitering nearby yesterday afternoon triggering her arrest on suspicion of attempted burglary.教员警告后这位跟踪者就离开了学校,但昨天下午又被发现在学校附近游荡。这位女士最终因为被怀疑是蓄意盗窃而遭到逮捕。
The prince, four, who is third in line to the throne, was not present at the time of either security scare because as a new starter he leaves at lunchtime.乔治王子今年四岁,是王位的第三顺位继承人,新生都在午间就离开了,所以当时小王子并不在校。
The woman was sitting outside Queenswood restaurant in Battersea Square with two men, one believed to be an undercover police officer, when the arrest operation began. At 2.20pm, an unmarked police car sped into the square followed by a police van which stopped outside the restaurant.逮捕前,跟踪的女士坐在巴特西广场一家名为“Queenswood”的餐馆外,据说身边有一位男士是便衣警察。下午2:20,一辆未鸣笛的小轿车驶入广场,后面跟着警车,两辆车都停在了餐馆前。
Three police officers, two male and one female, spoke briefly to the woman. She was then searched by the female officer before stepping into the back of the van.两名男警、一名女警和跟踪者简短地说了几句话,女警对她进行了搜身检查,随后跟踪者就上了警车。
Prince George had his first day at Thomas's Battersea School last week. Pictured, he arrives for his first day with his father the Duke of Cambridge.乔治王子上周才刚开始上学。是威廉王子送乔治王子开启了第一天学校生活。
She remained composed throughout and did not remonstrate with the officers.被逮捕的跟踪者全程都非常冷静,未和警方发生争吵。
One eyewitness, who was eating at the restaurant, said: ‘She was just sitting there really quietly with two men in ordinary clothes either side of her. She was completely calm and passive. She seemed completely unfazed.’事发时有目击者正在餐馆里吃饭,他说:“那个女人只是安静地坐在那儿,身边是两个穿着便衣的男人。她一脸淡定。”
(翻译:阿忙) |