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发表于 2017-9-16 20:44:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Etiquette in the Workplace:职场礼仪
        Identifying workplace etiquette is a lot more confusing now-a-days than it was ever in the past. Although we all probably know what constitutes good etiquette while working with other people, we may not see how the lines may get blurred when we take into consideration all that technology has to offer and how that may play into what can be seen as rude, inconsiderate, or unprofessional behavior by management and co-workers.与过去相比,在当今社会什么才是正确的职场礼仪让人越来越摸不着头脑。尽管我们可能知道在与他人共事的时候什么是良好的职场礼节,但我们可能没有意识到当我们把信息技术可以带来的一切考虑在内的时候,恰当的与不当的职场礼节之间的界限可能就会变得模糊进而导致我们的某些行为被管理层和同事视为不礼貌的,考虑不周的或不专业的行为。
        One of the first things you should do at the start of your internship is to find what the company's policies and procedures are when it comes to the internet and electronic devices. Unlike college, many companies monitor internet use and strongly frown on using personal devices during work hours. Since you are supposed to be working during company hours, companies have every right to monitor your internet use and check your company email. Since students are not used to being monitored, many feel that it's a violation to their privacy to have employers who place strict controls during their time on the job.当你开始一段实习生活的时候,你首先要做的事情之一就是了解公司关于网络和电子设备的规定和程序。与大学不同,许多公司会监督网络使用并且强烈反对在工作时间使用个人的电子设备。既然你在工作时间应该专注于工作,公司认为其完全有权监督你的网络使用情况和检查你的公司邮箱。因为学生都不习惯被监控,所以好多学生认为公司对上班时间个人活动的严格控制是对个人隐私的侵犯。
        What Do Employers Expect?雇主的要求
        It's best to be diligent up front rather than be identified for violating company policy when you log onto unauthorized sites or programs. Of course, each work environment sets its own rules regarding personal time and employees' use of technology. Companies who make a practice of letting interns and new employees know their policies prior to starting employment usually have the fewest problems; but it is the employee's responsibility to find out about these policies beforehand since they may be spelled out in fine print on any forms or contracts completed as a condition of employment.预先勤奋地做好功课要比被发现违反公司规定登录了未经授权的网站或程序强得多。当然,每个公司都有自己的关于个人时间和员工信息技术使用的规定。习惯在入职之前提前告知实习生和新员工相关规定的公司往往很少发生类似的问题。但是预先了解这些政策规定是员工自己的责任,因为它们可能在任何表格或合同上以小字标明并作为雇佣条件之一。
        What Is Considered Professional Behavior?良好的职业行为
        Being professional on the job is easy to recognize when it comes to dress code or getting to work on time, but can become blurred when new rules are set that have not been encountered before starting a professional job. When you think of it, most students are pretty lucky as to the freedom they experience as a college student.在着装和遵守上班时间上很容易做到展现良好的职业风范,但当自己需要遵守那些在职场之外没有遇到过的新规则的时候,我们就会难以区分哪些才是良好的职业行为。如此看来,大学生是非常幸运的,因为他们可以在校园里享受到相当大的自由。
        Look on any college campus and you will encounter students who are constantly using their cell phones. In addition, checking out websites for personal and college use is expected along with the ability to email anyone that you wish to be in contact with even if it's during class.随意走进任何一个大学校园,你都会看见不停地在低头用手机的学生。此外,学生们期望可以不论个人还是学业用途随时浏览网页并且给任何想要取得联系的人发送邮件,即使是在上课时间。
        Remember that not all companies are alike but the following tips should help you stay out of trouble in your new internship or job.请记住不是所有的公司都是相似的,但下面的这几条小建议应该可以帮助你在新的实习或工作中远离麻烦。
        Be prompt in responding to all company email while on the job. Managers may wonder what you're doing if it takes a day or two for you to respond to important emails. If you are working on finding an answer before answering an email, it may be wise to let the person know this so that they don't think that you’re not responding or that you didn't receive the email in the first place.在上班时快速及时地回复所有的公司邮件。如果你在1天或2天之后才回复重要邮件,经理们可能会好奇你到底在做什么。如果你在回复之前需要花时间寻找解决方案,你最好通知一下对方,以免他们认为你是故意没有回复或者压根就没有收到邮件。
        Make it a point to find out your company's policies and procedures when it comes to what is expected of its employees. You can check with the company's Human Resources Office which should be able to provide you with the necessary information. If not, check with your supervisor or check out the company's website. It’s easiest to do this at the beginning of employment to avoid any embarrassing moments.主动查找公司的相关政策和程序以了解公司对员工的期待和要求。你可以咨询公司的人力资源部,他们应该可以提供给你必要的信息。或者,你可以请教你的直线经理或在公司官网上查找。在入职之初做好这些事是最容易的,这样可以避免以后任何尴尬的情况。
        Be mindful that any communications you send via email may be monitored by the company. Never send personal messages via company email. Your email history may be periodically checked and this can adversely affect you on the job. It's best to have a personal email account and use that for personal use while leaving your business account for all company email only.要记住你的所有公司邮件往来都可能会被公司监视。不要通过公司邮件进行私人对话。公司可能会定期检查你的邮件历史记录,这就可能会对你的工作有不利影响。你最好有一个个人电邮来处理私事,公司邮箱只用来处理公事。
        Some companies have strict policies on what employees may download on computers at work. Don't make the mistake of web surfing on the job because this could end up causing you to lose a job even though you may feel that you are not doing anything wrong.有些公司对员工可以下载到公司电脑的内容有严格规定。不要在工作中随意浏览网页,因为这有可能让你丢掉工作,即使你可能觉得你并没有做错任何事。
        Be mindful on what you post on social networking sites. It may not be a good idea to boast about getting drunk at last night's party. Once you have a full-time job you are not only representing yourself, but you are also representing your company. Imagine having someone managing your hard earned money only to find that they are frequently engaging in immature and irresponsible behavior.在社交网站上发状态也要注意。吹嘘自己在昨晚的派对上喝得大醉可能不是个好主意。一旦你成为了一名全职工作人员,你就不再仅仅代表你自己,同时你也代表了公司。换位思考,如果正在管理你辛辛苦苦挣来的钱的人经常作出不成熟和不负责任的行为,你会作何感想?
        If you accidentally log onto a site that's prohibited, log off, and report it to the appropriate person such as the IT Department or your manager.如果你不小心登录到了严禁访问的网站,立即退出然后把情况报告给合适的人,例如IT部门或者你的经理。
        Find out the companies policy on personal phone calls and personal cell phone use. Policies vary and can be anything from no personal phone calls while working to keeping personal phone calls to a minimum and use only when absolutely necessary.了解公司关于个人通话和个人手机使用的规定。公司的规定都有所不同,可能是在工作时间禁止私人通话,也可能是要把私人通话次数降到最低,只有在必要的时候才可以打私人电话。
        These tips may seem like no-brainers but can be easily overlooked by new professionals who have never encountered in the past monitoring of their personal use of technology and electronic devices.这些小建议看似简单,但很容易被那些习惯了自由使用电子设备而不必受监视的初入职场的新手忽视。

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