Disney's ‘Aladdin’ Remake Casts White Actor, And The Twitterverse Isn't Happy《阿拉丁神灯》真人版新增白人角色引网友不满
A recent casting choice in Disney's live-action remake of the cartoon classic, “Aladdin,” is making waves ... and not in a good way. 迪士尼最近决定重拍经典动画《阿拉丁神灯》的真人版,但在选角方面引起了轩然大波…还是负面的。
Billy Magnussen has been cast as “an original character not seen in the 1992 animated pic,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.据《好莱坞记者报》称,电影即将加入一个由比利·马格努森饰演的全新角色,该角色并没有出现在1992的动画版中。
The character, named Prince Anders, has drawn criticism because of Magnussen’s ethnicity and the clear change to the film’s original narrative his casting entails.新角色名为安德斯王子,该角色之所以饱受差评,是因为比利·马格努森是一个金发碧眼的白人,他的加入很明显地改变了原著的叙述。
Fans on Twitter have been sharing their unhappiness: 以下摘自Twitter上网友的吐槽:
— Denizcan Targaryen (@MrFilmkritik) September 6, 2017
for the Aladdin live action they created a new character just so they could cast a white wtf迪士尼创造新角色的目的就是为了插进一个白人演员?
— Daddy Sock Monkey (@ravingsockmonky) September 6, 2017
Y'all can't even let brown people have their own fake kingdom?能不能给棕色人种留点幻想的余地?
— Nicholai Joaquin (@nicholaisays) September 6, 2017
so they “couldn’t find” a middle Eastern Jasmine but they can add a completely new made up WHITE GUY 剧组找不到中东的茉莉花,却可以创造一个虚幻的白人角色。
— Sandy SPX C7A (@skimcasual) September 6, 2017
I liked Billy Magnussen just fine as the Not Chris Pine Prince in Into the Woods, but his casting here seems wholly unnecessary.我喜欢比利·马格努森在《魔法黑森林》中的表演,但《阿拉丁》中的这个新角色完全没有必要。
— Lauren Thoman (@LaurenTHCW) September 6, 2017
So millions of people have seen the Aladdin cartoon.They couldn't trust the live action to work enough without creating this?!大家都看过《阿拉丁神灯》的动画版,难道迪士尼觉得不插进来一个白人这个电影就不会成功吗?
(翻译:进击的Meredith) |