I volunteer at a free café feeding homeless and hungry people.我在一家向无家可归和饥肠辘辘之人免费提供食物的餐厅做志愿者工作。
One day, a frail lady in her late 40s wearing many layers of clothing walked up and down the line of people waiting to be served, handing out little candy hearts. 一天,来了一位虚弱的妇女,看起来50不到,裹着厚厚的好几层衣服,顺着索取食物的人群,派发心形的小糖果。
She sat at my table and told me her story: Once her children were grown, her husband had severely beaten her and cast her into the street. After she became homeless, she learned that he had given her AIDS. 她在我的桌边坐下,告诉了我她的故事:当她的孩子都已成人,丈夫一直家暴她,非常恶劣,还把她扔到了街上。她变得居无定所后,还发现自己被丈夫传染了艾滋病。
She knew she was dying, but gave out candy hearts to try and bring happiness into every person’s day.她知道自己命不久矣,但派发心形糖果能给每个人带来快乐。
(翻译:林浔鸥) |