I'm not here to hurt you.
Why are you here?
Lexi once told me that you're one of the good ones.
莱希跟我说过 你是个好吸血鬼
You knew Lexi?Trevor was my best friend.
你认识莱希 特雷弗是我的挚友
For 500 years, I have lived with one person,and he's gone.
我和他一起生活了五百年 现在他却死了
And I don't wanna run anymore,because I don't have anybwhere else to run to.
我也不想再到处逃亡了 因为我已无处可去
Well, I'm sorry, but I can't help you.
对不起 我帮不了你
I don't need your help,but I think you need mine.
我不是来找你帮忙 我是来帮你的忙
Elijah may be dead, but this isn't over.
以利亚或许是死了 但事情还没结束
What do you mean it's not over?It isn't over.
这话什么意思 事情还没结束
The originals, they'll come for her.They have to.
吸血鬼祖先还是会来找她 必须来找她
They're doing it for him.For who?Klaus.
他们这样做是为了他 为谁 克劳斯
Cute PJs.I'm tired, Damon.
睡衣很可爱 我累了 达蒙
Brought you this.I thought that was gone.
给你送这个来了 我还以为弄丢了
Thank you.Please give it back.
谢谢 请还给我
I just have to say something.
Why do you have to say it with my necklace?
Well...Because what I'm about to say is.
这个 因为我要说的
probably the most selfish thing I've ever said in my life.
Damon, don't go there.No. I just have to say it once.
达蒙 不要那样 别 我只说一次
You just need to hear it.I love you, Elena.
你一定要听 埃琳娜 我爱你
And it's because I love you that...I can't be selfish with you.
因为爱你 所以 不能自私地把你据为己有
Why you can't know this.I don't deserve you.But my brother does.
为什么你都不知道呢 我配不上你 可我弟弟配得上
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