Rosemary.Is there somewhere we can talk?Yes.In here.
罗斯玛丽 有说话的地方吗 有 就在这儿
You h-have to forgive the house.
Oh, no. What's a little dirt?I completely understand.
自然 有点儿灰尘何妨 我完全可以理解
So tell me, what is it that gives you the courage to call me?
那么告诉我 是什么让你鼓起勇气找我
I wanted my freedom.I'm tired of running.
我希望得到自由 我厌倦了逃亡
You're in a position to grant me that.
I have complete authority to grant pardon to you and your little pet.
What is his name these days? Trevor.
他叫什么来着 特雷弗
If I so see fit.Katerina Petrova?I'm listening.
若我认为适当的话 卡特琳娜·佩特洛娃 我在听
She didn't burn in the church in 1864.
Continue.She survived.Where is she?
继续 她活了下来 她在哪里
You don't seem surprised by this.
Oh, when you called and invited me into this armpit of civilization,
你联络我 邀我来到这穷乡僻壤
which is a mere 3 hours from the town we know as Mystic Falls,
I surmised it had everything to do with Katerina.
Do you have her in your possession?No.
现在她在你手上吗 没有
I have better,I have her doppelganger.That's impossible.
不过我有更好的 我抓到了她的二重身 那不可能
Her family line ended with her.I know that for a fact.
她是她们家族最后一条血脉 那是事实
The facts are wrong.Well, show her to me.
这个事实是错的 把她带上来
Elijah, you're a man of honor.
以利亚 你是个守信义的人
You're to be trusted,But I want to hear you say it again.
我相信你言而有信 不过我还是想听你再说一遍承诺
You have my word that I will pardon you.Follow me.
我保证 我会赦免你 跟我来
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