In a kitschy bar in Cambridge, he asked to sit at my table, though later he would insist that I made the first move. 在剑桥的一间俗气的酒吧,他借坐我旁边,尽管后来他非说是我先对他有意思的。
I was intrigued by his tattoos. 我觉得他的纹身很有意思。
He thought I went to Harvard. 他以为我在哈佛上学。
All we had in common was that we’d both almost stayed home. 我们唯一的共同点是:我们本来都更愿意待在家里。
Friends had dragged us out on a frigid February evening. 只是在这个二月寒冷傍晚被各自的朋友们拖出来而已。
We still never agree on anything, except that it’s a darn good thing we sucked it up that snowy night. 我们的意见依旧从来都不一致,除了我们都同意那天咱俩撮合在一起是一件很棒的事。
Our wild blue-eyed son always stops us in our tracks, reminding us that fate is just as fragile as our memory.我们的狂野的儿子有着一对蓝色眼睛,时不时打断我们的生活,仿佛提醒着我们命运如同回忆般易碎、珍贵。
(翻译:林浔鸥、Maxxie) |