Gargamel: Monty, my regal raptor. You’ve done it. You’ve caught a smurf. Give me a kiss. Finally, you bring me what I’ve been asking for. A tiny, blue-skinned, shirtless…You!
Smurfette: Let me out of here, you smurf-obessed wannabe wizard.
Gargamel: Oh, is that any way to talk to the man who brought you into this world? I prefer it if you just called me “PaPa”.
Smurfette: I would never call you that.
Gargamel: You loss. What’s this? What are you hiding? Hand it over, you pseudo-smurf. Thank you. Azrael. What do we here? A different design? Yes, of course, I noticed that right away. Slightly before you did, in fact. Where did you get it?
Smurfette; I’m not telling you anything.
Gargamel: Tell me.
Smurfette: No.
Gargamel: Tell me.
Smurfette: No.
Gargamel: Fine. Don’t tell me.
Smurfette: I won’t.
Gargamel: Stupid reverse psychology never works. Who cares? You’ve already given me what I need. Come along. Azrael.