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发表于 2017-8-22 20:32:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        It is not uncommon for people to have a 60-hour work week occasionally, but some individuals find themselves with this kind of schedule often. If you are one of them, you may feel overworked. This can affect your health and productivity.人们一个星期偶尔工作60个小时是很平常的,但是有的人会发现自己的日程总是如此。如果你也是其中一员,你可能觉得自己已经劳累过度了,这样会影响你的健康和工作效率。
        It can cause work-related problems including job burnout. This is quite ironic because, at a time when you need to be putting all your energy into your work, burnout can make you feel like doing anything but that.过度劳累会导致诸如职业倦怠等与工作相关的问题。这么说起来就十分讽刺了,因为当你需要把所有精力投入到工作当中的时候,倦怠的情绪就会使你感觉在做着除工作以外的其他事情。
        You may not have another choice: put in the time your boss expects or lose your job. Here are some tips to help you survive the 60-hour work week.你可能没有别的选择:要么投入雇主所期望的时间去完成任务,要么就失业。下面有一些小贴士,助你在忙碌的每周60小时工作中生存下去。
        1. Remember to Take Breaks1. 记得多休息
        Although it is important to stay focused on your work, it is equally crucial to take periodic breaks from it. This may sound counter-intuitive. After working on something for a very long time, you may find yourself losing focus. Your ability to concentrate will improve after you take a short break.尽管集中精神工作是一件很重要的事情,但是在工作过程中懂得腾出时间进行阶段性休息也是同样至关重要的。这样听起来可能不太正常。但是当你在某件事情上投入了很长时间的精力后,你会发现自己的注意力在下降。所以如果你能够进行一个短暂的休息,你的注意力又能重新恢复过来了。
        2. Keep Up With Your Exercise Routine2. 保持体育锻炼的好习惯
        A particularly busy time at work may not be the best time to begin a new fitness regimen, but if you already work out regularly, don't stop now. Find time for fitness, either before work or when you get home. If that isn't possible, take a walk during your lunch hour or any breaks you can fit into your busy schedule.常规忙碌的工作也许不适合建立新的健身养生计划,但如果你早已经开始了,那么如今就不应该停止。腾出时间进行健身锻炼,可以是上班之前,也可以是回到家后。如果这两种情况都不允许,那么在中午就餐的时候出去走走,或者是忙碌行程中的任何休息时间也可以。
        3. Make Time for Fun3. 腾出时间寻找乐趣
        You have to fit something pleasurable into that routine, or you will be miserable. While you may not have time to do it more than once or twice a week, you can find a couple of hours a week to go to a movie, watch your favorite tv show, go on a picnic, or just hang out with your friends and loved ones. If you don't make time for fun, you could come to resent your job.你得为那个忙碌的日常行程中增添一些有趣的东西,否则你会很痛苦。虽然你可能没有时间在每周做一或两次,但是你可以每周腾出几个小时去看一部电影,看你最喜欢的电视节目,去野餐,或者仅仅是与好友和爱人相处。如果你不腾出时间去做有乐趣的事情,你可能就会厌恶你的工作。
        4. Drink Plenty of Water4. 多喝水
        It is imperative to stay well-hydrated, not just for your body, but also for your mind. "Water is essential for brain function," according to nutrition expert Shereen Lehman (When Do You Need to Drink More Water?). "If you're having trouble concentrating," says Lehman, "it may be time for a water break."保持水分充足是必须的,不仅仅是保持身体的水分,还要保持心灵的水分。“水分对大脑功能是至关重要的。”根据营养学家Shereen Lehman(《何时需要喝更多水?》的作者)。“如果你无法保持注意力集中,也许就是你需要停下来喝水的时候了。”Lehman说道。
        Do you find water boring? Add slices of lemon, orange, or apple (or all three) to it to give it a light flavor without a lot of calories.如果觉得喝水很单调呢?你可以添加几片柠檬、橘子或苹果(或者三种一起)到水里,既增添风味又不会有脂肪热量的负担。
        5. Limit Your Caffeine Intake5. 限制咖啡因的摄入
        It is not uncommon for people to reach for caffeinated beverages, like coffee and soda, when working long hours. While they may help you stay alert, at least for a short time, too much of a good thing can make you jittery and can cause gastrointestinal problems. Don't give up the coffee altogether—at least not during this stressful time—but refrain from overdoing it.人们在工作了一段长时间之后,都喜欢饮用含咖啡因的饮料,例如咖啡和苏打水。虽然这些饮品能让人保持头脑清醒(至少一段短时间内),但是摄入太多的话会让你神经紧张,还会导致肠胃问题。不过也不要完全放弃咖啡——至少在如此压力巨大的时候——但是也要控制自己不要过度饮用。
        6. Avoid Working Seven Days a Week6. 避免一周工作七天
        You may not be able to take an entire weekend, or any two consecutive days, off, but you should try to keep one full day work-free. You need at least that much time to refresh your body and mind. When you return to work, you will be in a much better state to do your job well.你可能无法享受一个完整的周末,或者任意连续两天的休假,但是你应该尽量保持有一天是完全不工作的。你至少需要那些时间去重新恢复你的身体和心里的状态。当你回归工作当中的时候,你就会有更好的工作状态。
        7. Don't Overdo It With Junk Food7. 别在工作忙碌时吃垃圾食品
        When you are in the middle of a non-stop work schedule, junk food may seem like your only choice for meals. It's fast and pleasing to your palate. This is especially true when you are stressed out and craving salty and sweet foods.当你在一个无休止的工作日程当中,垃圾食品看起来像是你工作餐的唯一选择。既快捷,又合你的口味。当你压力巨大又渴望吃上咸味和甜味食品的时候是特别真实的。
        As you might suspect, there are better options. Junk food may satisfy your cravings, and it will fill you up, but it is also full of empty calories and little nutrition. You need to fuel your body with food that is nourishing.正如你也许会猜想,还有其他更好的选择。垃圾食品也许能够满足你的需求,还能让你有饱腹感,但是它同时又充满了空卡路里,也没有多大营养。你需要食用有营养的食物来为身体补充能量。
        Although you probably won't have time to prepare a full meal, you can make a large bowl of salad to last you for a few days. Add a hardboiled egg, canned tuna, or rotisserie chicken for protein. Hardboiled eggs will keep in your refrigerator for up to a week, and you can buy a prepared rotisserie chicken at your grocery store. You will have several ready-made healthy meals and won't be tempted to run out to a fast food place to grab a quick burger and fries. Bring whole fruits or get a fruit salad at the store.尽管你可能没有时间准备一顿丰盛的午餐,但是你可以做一大碗沙拉作为你维持好几天的餐。一颗水煮蛋,几片罐头吞拿鱼,或者迷迭香烧鸡,就能提供蛋白质。水煮蛋可以放在冰箱里至少保存一周,你也可以到杂货店买一只制好的迷迭香烧鸡。你就会有好几顿备好的健康餐了,不需要去快餐店吃汉堡和薯条。去商店里买完整的水果或者是水果沙拉也是不错的选择。
        8. Get Enough Sleep8. 保持充足的睡眠
        Experts believe adults should sleep an average of eight hours each night. Some may need a little more and others a bit less. It may feel like getting a good night of uninterrupted sleep is an impossible dream, but without it, you may be plagued by fatigue and difficulty concentrating during the day.专家们认为成年人需要平均8小时的睡眠时间。有的人可能需要睡更久,有的人需要睡更少。虽然睡一个不受打扰的好觉听起来是一个不可能的美梦,但是没有足够的睡眠,你可能就会受到疲劳与日间无法集中注意力的折磨。
        Sleep experts advise you to try to get to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including days you don't have to go to work. A short nap—no more than 15 to 20 minutes—could help refresh you during the day.睡眠专家建议人们每天在同一时间睡觉和起床,包括你不需要上班的日子。一个短暂的打盹,不超过15-20分钟的,就能让你这一天恢复精力。
        9. Try to Accommodate Your Morning Person or a Night Owl Preferences9. 尝试适应你的作息喜好
        Are you an early riser, or do you prefer to stay up into the wee hours of the morning? If you have to spend extra hours working, why not try to do it when you are at your best? While working overtime usually means staying after the typical work day ends at 5 or 6 pm, find out if you can instead put in extra hours before the regular start of work if that is more compatible with your preferences.你是早起的鸟儿还是喜欢呆到凌晨还不入睡?如果你不得不加班,那么你何不在自己最佳状态的时候去完成呢?虽然加班通常意味着要呆到常规工作日结束的5点或6点以后,但是你可以去看看能不能在上班之前腾出几个小时来工作,如果那能够与你个人作息习惯相适应的话。
        If that option isn't available, you can still use your time efficiently. If, for example, you like starting your day at sunrise (or before), use that time to do things you would otherwise do when you get home...if your job ended at a reasonable hour.如果那是行不通的,你也可以有效率地利用自己的时间。例如,如果你喜欢在黎明到来(或之前)的时候起床,你就利用那一段时间做你可能回家做的事情,如果你的工作能够正常下班的话。

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