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发表于 2017-8-16 20:25:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Why are some very smart people so quiet?为什么有些聪明人很安静?

        获得135.1k好评的回答@Barnard Law Collier:
        Smart people are quiet because they are smart, very smart, and supremely smart.聪明人很安静因为他们聪明、很聪明、超级聪明。
        1.Speaking teaches you little or nothing. It is far more enlightening in both the short and long term to listen and watch.1.说话不能教会你什么。从短期和长期来看,听和看都更能受启发。
        2.People hear you when you shout and listen when you whisper. Apprehend how people behave when you speak softly but clearly.2.你喊的时候人们只是听见,小声说话人们才会倾听。你会知道轻声但清楚地说话时人们会是什么反应。
        3.A quiet and gentle mind can usually find the time to deal with the most baffling problems and at least conjure some ideas.3.安静从容的头脑通常能有时间处理最让人困扰的问题,至少能有一些想法。
        4.When a quiet person raises her or his decibel level to what most might judge as ordinary, the sounds may seem enormously loud to listerners accustomed to leaning forward and perking their ears to hear the speaker.4.一个安静的人把音量提高到在大部分人看来是正常水平时,对于那些习惯了身体前倾竖起耳朵听他说话的人来说这样的声音可能特别洪亮。
        5.To be quiet does not mean that smart people cannot become raucous sometimes, and when they do, all of their acquaintances notice right away.5.安静不代表聪明人不会在有些时候大声说话,他们大声说话时所有认识他们的人都会立刻注意到。
        6.BTW, in American schools, students are required to speak up, and in many schools to speak up loudly. Quite the opposite in Chinese and other Asian schools.6.顺便说一下,美国学校的学生都被要求大声说话,很多学校还要求特别大声说话,这和中国还有其他亚洲国家恰恰相反。
        获得48.6k好评的回答@Rahul Adhikari:
        “The smarter you get the less you speak”“人越聪明话越少”
        Once my friend, who is very enthusiast in reading, told me the smarter you get the less you speak. Anyone can argue, debate, condemn, criticize, complain but the true knowledge comes from within from inside. It takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving. Knowledge also brings peace, calmness and silence with itself.曾经一个痴迷于阅读的朋友告诉我“人越聪明话越少”。任何人都能争论、辩论、谴责、批评、抱怨,但真正的知识来自于内在。做到理解和原谅需要有品格和自控力,知识自带平和、冷静和沉默。
        Some people are introvert just because they know that most of the time debating doesn’t bring results; it brings confusion. They are not listening; they are more focused on winning the argument.有些人内向,就是因为他们知道大多数时候争论不会有结果,只会一团糟。争论的人并没有在听,他们更关注的是赢得这场争论。
        获得33.7k好评的回答@Say Keng Lee:
        Why are some very smart people so quiet?为什么有些聪明人很安静?
        I can think of the following reasons:我能想出以下原因:
        Very smart people:很聪明的人:
        -choose to talk less, and listen more, in order to seek more information, which leads to opportunities;-选择少说多听以便能收集更多信息,这些信息才能带来机会;
        -seek first to understand; then to be understood;-首先努力去理解,然后被理解;
        -know how to exercise savoir-faire, so as to stay on top of the game;-知道如何锻炼随机应变的能力,以便能保住游戏中的优势地位;
        -understand the realism of “Dumb people talk about people; Average people talk about events; Intelligent people talk about ideas.” (Steve Jobs);-明白这个现实“蠢人谈论人;庸人谈论事;智者谈论思想。”(乔布斯);
        -believe in 'Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.';-坚信“永远不要和傻子争吵,旁观者看不出你和傻子的区别”;
        -accept the reality of 'Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.'-接受一个现实“永远不要和白痴争吵,他们只会降低你的档次,并用经验打败你。”
        -live by the code of “Talk doesn’t cook rice; only Action creates Results;”-生活要以这个为准“光说不练假把式,只有行动才会有结果”;
        -appreciate that life is defined by what you do and what you don’t do;要懂得生命是被你所做的和没做的定义的。

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