我们必须牢记过去的教训。(mind n.)
We must keep in mind the lesson of the past.
难道你从来没考虑过要回报父母吗?(return v.)
Haven’t you ever considered returning something to your parents?
坐飞机从上海到纽约要多长时间?(take v.)
How long will it take to fly from Shanghai to New York?
如今人们最关心的食品安全。(concern v.)
Today what people are most concerned about/ for is the safety in food.
你要听从医生的建议,每天慢跑至少30分钟。(follow v.)
You must follow the doctor’s advice that you (should) jog for at least 30
minutes every day.
对于药品来说,并不是越贵越好。(as for)
As for medicine, the more expensive is not necessarily the better.
没人知道他为什么从早到晚沉默寡言。(keep v.)
Noboday knows why he keeps silence from morning till night.
他的成就源于他幼年时对大自然的巨大兴趣。(begin with)
His achievements began with his great interest in nature when he was a
little child.
任何药都有一些副作用,大家应该明白这一点。(realize v.)
Any medicine has some side effects, which all of us should realize.