When I was raising my 14-year-old son as a single mother in Toronto, he helped me publish a magazine.当时我是一个抚养14岁男孩的单亲妈妈,住在多伦多,他帮我出版了一本杂志。
One day, an incredibly handsome, soft-spoken, well-mannered visitor from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, visited my office. We shared our experiences as volunteer editors.那天一名来自坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆的客人造访了我的办公室,他生得英俊,声线柔和,举止得当,我们在一起分享了志愿编辑的一些心得。
When he left, my son whispered, “Mom! Now, that’s the kind of man you should marry!” I blushed and laughed it off and didn’t think about it again. 他离开后,儿子小声和我耳语道:“妈妈,你就应该和那样的男人结婚!”我听完就脸红了,并一笑置之,在也没有想起这茬。
Eight years later, I met the same man again. He was now a widower. We married and are still together nine years later, coediting an international magazine.八年后,我又见到了他。当时他是一个鳏夫(丧妻的男子)。我们结婚了,到现在为止我们一共生活了9年,共同编辑一本国际性杂志。
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