1. 进入全面建成小康社会的决定性阶段
We have entered the decisive stage of completing the building of a
moderately prosperous society in all respects.
2. 凝聚力量,攻坚克难
pool our strength to overcome all difficulties
3. 世情、国情、党情
global, national and Party conditions
4. 更加奋发有为,兢兢业业地工作
aim higher and work harder
5. 作出全面部署
adopt a comprehensive/an overall action plan
6. 作出总体安排
adopt steps for general implementation
7. 关系全局的重大问题
issues of underlying/overriding importance
8. 新形势下党的建设
Party building in a new environment/under new conditions
9. 综合国力大幅提高
China’s overall strength has grown considerably.
10. 生态文明建设扎实展开
Solid steps have been taken to promote ecological progress/raise ecological
11. 宏观调控体系
system of macro-regulation
12. 衣食住行用条件明显改善
People’s need for daily necessities such as clothing, food, housing and
transport is better met.
13. 农村扶贫标准大幅度提高
Rural poverty line was raised by a big margin.
14. 政治体制改革
reform of the political structure
15. 基层民主不断发展
Community-level democracy has steadily developed.
16. 军事斗争准备不断深化
Military preparedness is enhanced.
17. 开创两岸关系和平发展新局面
usher in a new stage of peaceful growth of Cross-Straits relations
18. 在国际事务中的代表性和话语权进一步增强
We have secured more representation and a greater say for China in
international affairs.
19. 有利的国际环境
favorable international conditions
20. 加强党的干部队伍
strengthen the ranks of Party officials |