We love snacks, but snacking can be a little mysterious: what’s the "right
way" to snack? In terms of portions, timing, nutrients, choices . . . there’s a
lot to take in. We combined some of our best, favorite tips for healthy snacking
that are helpful no matter what your goals are (read: not just weight loss . . .
but they definitely help with that, too). Get a little nutrition 101 and pick up
some yummy snacks and recipe ideas along the way.
1.Watch Your Portions
It can be so easy to start snacking . . . and then never stop snacking. To
make them more waistline-friendly, keep your snacks light, portioned, and
between meal times (i.e., don’t start snacking at your regular lunchtime). Need
some calorie guidance? Try to keep them around 150 calories (unless you need
more — definitely consult with a nutritionist or dietitian to figure out your
caloric needs).
2.Be Mindful
Step one: why are you snacking? Are you bored, or really hungry? Listen to
your body — don’t deprive yourself. If you’re hungry, just choose a healthy
snack. But also don’t snack out of boredom or because you think you have to eat
at a certain time. Also make time to focus on your food and the process of
eating, as it can be easy to overeat (and oversnack) while you’re doing other
things, like working, watching TV, or even driving
3.Avoid Sugar
When you’re hungry, your brain typically tricks you into thinking you need
sugar — don’t listen! It might be easy to grab a candy bar, but it’s only going
to sate you temporarily (and you’ll likely have a crash feeling not too shortly
after you eat it). Opt for something that’s more nutritionally complex like
yogurt or a hard-boiled egg, or a piece of fruit (with some peanut butter!) if
you’re really craving sweets. The fiber in fruit keeps you fuller longer,
4.Fiber + Protein + Fat
The key to staying full is a combo of protein, fat, and fiber, according to
celeb trainer Harley Pasternak, who told POPSUGAR this is "the Holy Trinity of
satiety." Snack on almonds or walnuts, or spread some almond butter on a piece
of fruit to balance the right macro and micronutritients that help you stay full
and healthy.
5.Balance Your Macros
In line with the protein and fat combo, make sure your snacks align with
your macronutrient goals. If your goal is weight loss, you’ll want a 20-45-35
split of fat, carbohydrates, and protein (20 percent of your calories from fat,
45 percent from carbs, 35 percent from protein). If it sounds confusing, don’t
sweat it — use our cheat sheet of macro-balanced snacks for weight loss.
Sometimes the sensation of hunger comes from dehydration. Ensure you’re
drinking lots of water before you start snacking. A glass of H2O could do the
trick — and it’s calorie-free.
7.Pick Protein on the Go
Grabbing a healthy packaged snack? Opting for high protein is usually your
best bet. Rule of thumb: try to make sure your snack has more grams of protein
than grams of sugar.
8.Ball It Up
Don’t want packaged food? Good call — you can make snacks yourself for the
office, school, traveling, or the gym. One of our favorites: protein balls. With
a few simple ingredients and a little mixing, you’ve got yourself a tasty,
nutritionally balanced snack that you can take anywhere.
9.Grab an Egg
They’re not just for breakfast! With healthy protein and fats to keep you
full between meals, you can scramble one if you’re at home, or grab a
hard-boiled egg on the go. Whenever you can, choose pasture-raised eggs to up
your nutrition exponentially.
10.Give Your Yogurt a Boost
Yogurt makes an excellent snack, and there are ways to make your favorite
yogurt even healthier than it already is with nutritional enhancements! Add flax
seeds or chia seeds for fiber, and mash up some fruit to give it natural
sweetness. Don’t forget anti-inflammatory and flavorful spices like cinnamon and
酸奶是一种很棒的零食,本身就富含了很多营养物质,而且也有很多方法让酸奶喝起来更健康!你想摄入一些纤维素的话可撒一些亚麻籽或奇异籽,想让酸奶喝起来有自然的甜味,可挑些水果捣碎,拌入酸奶之中。不要忘了那些如肉桂和姜黄之类的有抗炎功效的可口香料,你也可以加一些尝一尝。 |