China Box Office Roars Back to Life as 'Wolf Warrior 2' Makes Massive $130M Debut中国电影票房复苏:《战狼2》票房突破12亿
After a lackluster series of months, the Chinese film industry finally has a homegrown summer blockbuster on its hands.在持续几个月的低迷状态后,中国的电影行业终于推出了属于自己的夏季大片。
Actor-director Wu Jing's Wolf Warrior 2, a sequel to his 2015 film of the same name, opened Thursday to $15 million before pulling in an enormous $131 million over the weekend.《战狼2》是动作片导演吴京2015年同名电影的续集,周四一上映,《战狼2》的票房就已经达到1.5亿美元,上周结束时票房总计13亿美元。
The action flick surpassed the first Wolf Warrior film's entire $86 million run in less than three days, while dominating The Founding of an Army, the much-hyped state propaganda film about the establishment of the People's Liberation Army, which also opened Thursday.这部影片上映不到三天,便超过了《战狼1》的总投资额8600万美元,同时也力压《建军大业》。之前被炒作得沸沸扬扬的《建军大业》与《战狼2》是同一天上映,前者讲述了中国人民解放军的创建的经历。
Hollywood is conspicuously absent from the Middle Kingdom this month, thanks to China's usual policy of blocking international competition from the market during the busy summer blockbuster season.显然,由于中国在暑期依旧采取限制进口片的政策,好莱坞电影本月暂时缺席中国电影市场。
But traces of the U.S. industry's fingerprints could still be detected on Wolf Warrior 2's success.然而在《战狼2》突出的票房成绩中,我们依旧可以看到美国元素的蛛丝马迹。
Marvel mainstays Joe and Anthony Russo, co-directors of the Captain America franchise, consulted on the film via their Chinese studio venture Anthem & Song, which has strategic partnership with Beijing Culture Media Company, one of the local production companies behind Wolf Warrior.曾联合指导了《美国队长》系列漫威公司台柱子乔伊和安东尼·罗素通过自己在中国的工作室为《战狼2》做顾问,这个名为Anthem & Song的工作室与北京文化传播有限公司建立了战略伙伴关系,而后者正是《战狼》系列的制作公司。
Universal's Despicable Me 3 landed in third place for the weekend, earning $3.7 million. After four weeks on Chinese screens, the film has earned $146 million.环球公司出品的《卑鄙的我3》本周位居第三,票房为370万美元。这部影片在中国上映4周,总票房为1.46亿美元。
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