I was four, playing outside in the humid Kentucky air. 我当时4岁,在户外玩,周围是肯塔基潮湿的空气。
I saw my grandfather’s truck and thought, Granddad shouldn’t have to drive such an ugly truck. 看见爷爷的卡车,想着爷爷不应该开这么难看的卡车。
Then I spied a gallon of paint. 于是我偷偷搞来一加仑的油漆。
Idea! I got a brush and painted white polka dots all over the truck. 我有了个好主意!我用刷子在卡车上画满了白色波点。
I was on the roof finishing the job when he walked up, looking as if he were in a trance. 爷爷走出来的时候,我正好在屋顶上进行收尾工作,我想看看他对“新卡车”是否有所察觉。
“Angela, that’s the prettiest truck I’ve ever seen!”“安吉拉,这是我见过的最漂亮的卡车!”
Sometimes I think adults don’t stop to see things through a child’s eyes. 有时候我想,大人们不会停下脚步去从一个孩子的视角看世界。
He could have crushed me. Instead, he lifted my little soul.(但是爷爷却不同)他没有打击我,而是让小小的我欢欣鼓舞。
(翻译:林浔鸥、Maxxie) |