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发表于 2017-7-24 22:36:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        10 Effortless Tricks to Eating Healthy While on Vacation10个小窍门让你旅行中健康吃吃吃
        1. Eat breakfast吃早餐
        Don't skip breakfast, as it's one of the easiest meals to make healthy. Even a banana and a plain Greek yogurt is better than becoming ravenous before lunch.要吃早餐,因为这是最容易使你保持健康的饭之一。即使是一根香蕉加一杯普通的希腊酸奶都比午餐前饿瘪肚子强。
        2. Schedule meal times按时吃饭
        To avoid excess grazing, make a specific plan—including time and place—for your meals. Many resorts make food easily accessible. Take breaks from the beach or pool to enjoy breakfast, lunch, and a snack.为了避免暴饮暴食,你要制定一个特定的计划,包括吃饭时间和地点。在很多度假地点吃饭都很容易。离开海滩或泳池休息一下去享受早餐、午餐和间食。
        3. Stick to the "One Plate" rule坚持“一盘子”原则
        To avoid overeating at buffets, follow this rule of thumb. Make just one plate for that meal, and stick to it. Go to the salad bar first and fill half the plate with fruit and veggies—these will be the most filling and nutritious part of your plate. Stick to a palm-size worth of protein, and the remaining quarter of the plate can have a starch of choice such as bread, potatoes, or whole grains.为了避免自助餐吃太多,要听取这个经验之谈:只吃一盘子,并坚持住。先去取沙拉,装半盘水果和蔬菜,这些是盘子里最能填饱肚子也最有营养的部分。坚持只吃手掌大小的肉类,盘子里剩余的四分之一放些淀粉类的食物,比如面包、土豆或者全谷物。
        4. Go to the market去市场
        Stock up at a local grocery store or market on some items to keep available for quick breakfasts and lunch. If you're lucky to have a room with a fridge, even more opportunity to keep items on hand.去当地的杂货店囤点货,或去市场买点食材以便能快速做顿早餐或午餐。如果你很幸运房间里有冰箱,手边就有更多食材可用了。
        5. Prepare your own meals自己做饭
        Some hotels have grills for guest use, or perhaps you're staying in a room with a kitchenette. This is a great way to experience fresh local seafood, vegetables, or meats. Again, the more control you can have over your meals the less extra calories you will consume.有些酒店有客人可以用的烧烤架,或可能你住的房间里有小厨房,这样你就能很好地品尝新鲜的当地海鲜、蔬菜或肉了。再强调一遍,你对自己的饮食控制得越好,你额外要吃掉的热量就越少。
        6. Indulge on purpose有目的地放纵
        You're going on vacation to enjoy yourself, so there are going to be times when you want to eat indulgent foods and treats. Consciously make the decision to indulge in something of choice—your favorite thing, rather than everything.度假就是为了享受,所以有时你想放纵地吃吃喝喝。你要有意识地做出选择,选你最喜欢的,而不是所有的都试一试。
        7. Keep a water bottle with you随身带个水瓶
        Keep a refillable water bottle handy that you can carry with you. This can help satisfy cravings if food is readily available and tempting you. Dehydration can mask as hunger, so beware. And if you're planning to enjoy some cocktails by the beach or pool, make sure you hydrate in between.随身带一个可以续水的水瓶,这在食物唾手可得并诱惑你时可以满足一下你的口腹之欲。有时脱水的感觉就像饿了一样,所以你要小心。如果你准备要在海滩上或泳池边喝点鸡尾酒,喝酒间隙一定要补充水分。
        8. Fill up on veggies多吃蔬菜
        Eat as many vegetables as possible to help you stay full. The fiber and water volume will help fill you and keep you from diving into the bread basket.多吃蔬菜有助于保持饱腹感,蔬菜中所含纤维和水分能使你吃饱以免吃太多面包。
        9. Plan in advance提前制定计划
        Know where you are going and what is nearby, so you can choose a place to eat that's most suited to your needs.你要知道自己去哪儿,知道附近有什么,以便能选好最适合你需要的吃饭地点。
        10. Share meals共享美食
        When you want to try something unhealthy, split it with someone else. Share meals to truly experience all the local cuisine. You'll still get to enjoy being on vacation, but you won't feel obligated to finish everything on your plate.想要品尝不健康食品时分给别人一些,分享可以让你真正品尝到所有当地美食。你仍能享受度假的感觉,还不会感觉要被迫吃完盘子里所有食物。

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