Several years ago, my tire went flat while I was driving with my young son asleep in the backseat. 几年前,我正在开车,儿子在汽车的后座上睡着了,汽车轮胎没气了。
It was a heavily traveled road, so I pulled over.路一点也不好开,我就靠边停车了。
I looked in my rearview mirror and saw that a man had pulled up behind me. 我看了一下我的后视镜,看有个男人也在我的后面靠边停车了。
He offered to help. 原来他是来帮助我的。
As he installed the donut, we talked. He explained that he was from a long distance away.就在他帮我轮胎充气后,我们开始聊天。他说他来自很远的地方。
His face was kind, his voice gentle. My son awoke, and I went to care for him. When I looked back, the man was gone. 他的面容和善,声线温柔。我的儿子醒了,我去照看他。当我回过头来看的时候,那个男人已经走了。
Do angels walk the earth? I believe they do.天使们来到人间了么?我想是的。
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