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发表于 2017-7-12 22:52:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  二十国集团领导人第十二次峰会(the 12th Summit of the Group of 20 major
economies)7日在德国汉堡举行。国家主席习近平出席并发表题为《坚持开放包容 推动联动增长》的重要讲话。
          当地时间下午1时,峰会开始。默克尔主持。峰会主题是“塑造联动世界”(Shaping an Interconnected
          坚持开放包容 推动联动增长
          Promoting Openness and Inclusiveness
          To Achieve Interconnected Growth
          中华人民共和国主席 习近平
          Statement on the State of the Global Economy by H.E. Xi Jinping
          President of the People's Republic of China
          At the G20 Hamburg Summit
          Hamburg, 7 July 2017
          Chancellor Merkel,
          Dear colleagues,
          It is a great pleasure to be with you in Hamburg, the City of Bridges, to
discuss ways of building a bridge of cooperation to advance our shared
prosperity. First of all, I express heartfelt appreciation to you, Chancellor
Merkel, and the German government for your warm hospitality.
          The global economy is showing signs of moving in the right direction. The
related international organizations forecast that it will grow by 3.5 percent
this year, the best performance that we have seen in several years. This would
not be possible without the efforts of the G20. On the other hand, the global
economy is still plagued by deep-seated problems and faces many uncertainties
and destabilizing factors.
          Facing such challenges, the G20 agreed in Hangzhou last year on the path
forward: building an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world
economy. This year, building on the theme of the Hangzhou Summit, the Hamburg
Summit has made "Shaping an Interconnected World" its theme. What we need to do
now is to work together to translate our vision into action. With this in mind,
I wish to state the following:

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2017-7-12 23:13:53 | 显示全部楼层

          Firstly, we should stay committed to building an open global economy. This
commitment of the G20 to build open economies saw us through the global
financial crisis, and this commitment is vital to reenergizing the global
economy. Various international organizations have revised upward forecast for
this year's global growth, mainly because of a projected 2.4 percent growth for
global trade and 5 percent growth for global investment. We must remain
committed to openness and mutual benefit for all so as to increase the size of
the global economic "pie". As the world's major economies, we should and must
lead the way, support the multilateral trading system, observe the jointly
established rules and, through consultation, seek all-win solutions to common
challenges we face.
          Secondly, we should foster new sources of growth for the global economy.
Innovation, more than anything else, is such a new source of growth. Research
shows that 95 percent of the world's businesses are now closely linked with the
Internet, and the global economy is transitioning toward a digital economy. This
means we should boost cooperation in digital economy and the new industrial
revolution and jointly develop new technologies, new industries, new business
models and new products. Another source of growth derives from making greater
efforts to address the issue of development and implement the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development, and such efforts will both benefit developing countries
and generate business and investment opportunities for developed countries. In
other words, this will be a win-win game for all. At the Hangzhou Summit last
year, we reached important consensus on innovation and development. This
momentum of cooperation created has been sustained this year under the German
chairmanship of G20. Going forward, we should see that more substantial and
concrete outcomes are delivered.
          Thirdly, we should work together to achieve more inclusive global growth.
Currently, global economic growth is not balanced, and technological advances
work against job creation. According to the projection of the World Economic
Forum, artificial intelligence will take away more than 5 million jobs in the
world by 2020. The G20 has an important mission, which is to reaffirm the vision
of pursuing inclusive growth agreed upon at the Hangzhou Summit last year, and
strike a balance between fairness and efficiency, between capital and labor, and
between technology and employment. To achieve this goal, we must ensure synergy
between economic and social policies, address the mismatch between industrial
upgrading and knowledge and skills, and ensure more equitable income
distribution. The G20 needs to place more importance on cooperation in
education, training, employment, business start-up and wealth
distribution-related mechanisms, as progress on these fronts will make economic
globalization work better.
          Fourthly, we should continue improving global economic governance. In the
wake of the global financial crisis, the G20 has done a lot to improve
macroeconomic policy coordination, reform international financial institutions,
tighten international financial regulation and combat tax avoidance, thus
ensuring financial market stability and recovery. We should build on these
achievements. In particular, we should strengthen coordination of macroeconomic
policies, forestall risks in financial markets and develop financial inclusion
and green finance to make the financial sector truly drive the development of
the real economy.
          China recently hosted a successful Belt and Road Forum for International
Cooperation. Acting in the spirit of extensive consultation, joint contribution
and shared benefits, the forum participants achieved fruitful outcomes in terms
of boosting the connectivity of policies, infrastructure, trade, finance and
people. Guided by a new vision of governance, we built a new platform of
cooperation to tap into new sources of growth. The commitment of the Belt and
Road Forum is highly compatible with the goal of the G20.
          A German saying goes to the effect that, "Those who work alone, add; those
who work together, multiply." In this spirit, let us work together to promote
interconnected growth for shared prosperity and build toward a global community
with a shared future.
          Thank you.
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