Why do intelligent people seem calm all the time?为什么聪明人总能保持冷静?
Answer from @Domen Grabec来自@Domen Grabec的回答
If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying?如果你能解决问题,那何虑之有?
If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?如果你不能解决问题,那忧虑又有什么用呢?
And if you look at this logically not being calm will only work to your disadvantage in many situations:如果你从逻辑的角度来看,不冷静只会起反效果,在很多情况下都一样:
There is an important exam coming up and you are freaking out. Panicking might confuse you, inhibit your learning and as a result you might perform worse on the exam.(比如)你正面临一场重要的考试,而你慌得不得了。你的惊慌只会让你思维混乱,它会妨碍你的学习,其结果就是你会在考试中发挥得更糟。
Someone is robbing you and you start to panic. You might get the robber nervous, and he might do something impulsive (like stab you) obviously worsening your position.(再比如)一个人正在抢劫你,而你开始慌了。你可能会让抢劫者变得紧张,而他可能就会做出些过激的事情(比如捅你一刀),显然这回让你的处境更糟。
You lead a group of people at work and are facing a heavy problem, or an impossible deadline. Well this is the time to inspire people and get the most out of them as possible. That should increase your chances of solving the problem. If you panic you might discourage them, and not only you, but your whole team shall underperform.(再比如)你正带领着一组人一起工作,并且正面临着一个严峻的问题,或者是一个不可能赶上的截止日期。好嘛,你现在需要做的是启发这些人,尽可能让他们做出成果;这会让你解决问题的概率更大一些。如果你慌了,你可能会打击到他们,于是不只是你,你的整个团队都会发挥不佳。
While you panic, your mind is having a hard time finding a solution to the problem. Even if the solution is only to stay calm and wait for the problem to pass.当你慌张的时候,你的大脑会很难找到解决问题的方法。而解决问题的方法很有可能只是冷静下来并等着问题自己过去。
Answer from @Faith Paul来自@Faith Paul的回答
Intelligent people think before they speak.聪明的人先想再说。
Intelligent people also think rationally.而且,聪明人的思维是理性的。
Instead of freaking out over every little thing, finding drama, or becoming a victim, intelligent people rationalize their problems.聪明人会理性地去分析问题,而不是在每个细枝末节上的慌神、制造情况、或怨天尤人。
Intelligent people don't prolong their problems. They end their suffering by doing what needs to be done in order for that problem to go away.聪明人不会让问题遗留下来。他们会做那些必要的事以解决问题。
Additionally, I've noticed that intelligent people who are stressed find an outlet or take a nap. Bottling up anxiety or pointing fingers like many people do is just going to evoke more stress.还有,我发现聪明人在不堪重负的时候会找个发泄方式,或者小憩一下。很多其他人或把焦虑压制下来,或者在别人身上出气,而这只会让压力更重。
Obviously not all problems can be solved, but my point is that intelligent people handle stress differently.显然,并不是所有的问题都能被解决,我想表达的是:聪明人处理压力的方式时不一样的。
Answer from @Humberto Rada来自@Humberto Rada的回答
This could be for several reasons, but one thing I noticed from highly intelligent friends who are calm is that they are able to entertain themselves.原因有很多,而我从我那些冷静的聪明朋友身上发现的一点是:他们有办法自娱自乐。
Yes that is right, they always got something to think about. 对,就是这样,他们总有什么东西可以想。
Its like they enjoy their thoughts more than interacting with other people. 好像他们觉得自己的思维比和人交流更有吸引力。
They are always elaborating on thoughts so they are busy with themselves.他们总是在细细揣摩自己的想法,所以他们自己一个人忙着呢。
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