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发表于 2017-6-16 19:13:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
  Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Questions 21 to 23 are based on the following passage:
  The Caledonian Market in London is a clearing house of the junk (旧货、废弃 物 ) of the universe. Here, rubbish is a commodity and rubbish picking is a sport. Somebody, somewhere, wanted these things, perhaps just to look at. You learn here the incredible obscurity of human needs and desires. People grope (摸索), with fascinated curiosity, among the turnedout debris (废墟) of thousands of attic rooms. Junk pours in twice a week, year in and year out. The Market is the penultimate (倒数第二的) resting place of banished vases, musical instruments that will not play, sewing machines that will not sew, paralyzed perambulator, epileptic bicycles and numerous other articles from which all morale and hope have long departed. There are stories of fortunes being picked up in the Market. Once seven hundred gold sovereigns were found in a secret drawer of a crazy old bureau. And book buyers have discovered valuable editions of Milton and Dickens and Carlyla. There is nothing one can not buy in the Market.
  21. The title below that best expresses the idea of this passage is ____.
  A) Why People Buy What They Do
  B) Reflections on A Famous Junk Market
  C) The Cause for Fascinated Curiosity
  D) What Happens to Attic Debris
  22. The articles for sale in the Caledonian Market ____.
  A) are wanted to look at
  B) are collected 100 times a year
  C) reveal obscure needs and desires
  D) bring fortune to the buyers
  23. From the style of this passage one might assume that it was taken from ____.
  A) a report on marketing
  B) a guide book
  C) directions for a stage setting
  D) an information essay
  Questions 24 to 30 are based on the following passage: A
  llelomimetic behavior may be defined as behavior in which two or more individual animals do the same thing, with some degree of mutual simulation and coordination. It can only involve in species with sense organs that are well enough developed so that continuous sensory contact can be maintained. It is found primarily in vertebrates(脊椎动物), in those species that are diurnal, and usually in those that spend much of their lives in the air, in open water or on open plains. In birds, allelomimetic behavior is the rule rather than the exception, though it may occasionally be limited to particular seasons of the year as it is in the redwing blackbird. Its principal function is that of providing safety from predators(掠食者), partly because the flock can rely on many pairs of eyes to watch for enemies, and partly because if one bird reacts to danger, the whole flock is warned. Among mammals, allelomimetic behavior is very rare in rodents(啮齿动物), which almost never move in flocks or herds. Even when they are artificially crowded together, they do not conform in their movements. On the other hand, such behavior is a major system among large hoofed mammals,such as sheep. In the pack hunting carnivores(食肉类飞禽), allelomimetic behavior has another function of cooperative hunting for large prey(被捕食者) animals,such as moose. Wolves also defend their dens as a group against larger predators, such as bears. Finally, allelomimetic behavior is highly developed among most primate groups, where it has the principal function of providing warning against predators,as though combined defensive behavior is also seen in troops of baboons(狒狒).

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发表于 2017-6-16 19:44:51 | 显示全部楼层

  24. The main topic of the passage is the ____.
  A) value of allelomimetic behavior in vertebrate and invertebrate species
  B) definition and distribution of allelomimetic behavior
  C) relationship of allelomimetic behavior to the survival of the fittest D) personality factors that determine when an individual animal will show allelomimetic behavior
  25. Which of the following places is the most likely setting for allelomimetic behavior?
  A) A lake.
  B) A cave.
  C) An underground tunnel.
  D) A thick forest.
  26. The author implies that allelomimetic behavior occurs most often among a nimals that ____.
  A) prey on other animals
  B) are less intelligent than their enemies
  C) move in groups
  D) have one sense organ that dominates perception
  27. Which of the following is the most clear example of allelomimetic?
  A) Bears hunting for carnivores.
  B) Cattle fleeing from a fire.
  C) Horses running at a racetrack.
  D) Dogs working with police officers.
  28. According to the passage the primary function of allelomimetic behavior in bird is to ____.
  A) defend nests against predators
  B) look at each other
  C) locate prey
  D) warn against predators
  29. According to the passage, what happens to the behavior of rodents when they are artificially crowded together?
  A) Their allelomimetic behavior increases.
  B) Continuous cooperation between them is maintained.
  C) They become aggressive and attack each other.
  D) They show little allelomimetic behavior.
  30. Which of the following groups of human beings would probably show the greatest amount of allelomimetic behavior?
  A) A group of students taking a test.
  B) Tennis players competing in a tournament.
  C) A patrol of soldiers scouting for the enemy.
  D) Drivers waiting for a traffic light to change.
  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:
  The American Heart Association and other groups have said for many years that people could reduce the chance of suffering a heart attack by eating less of the foods rich in cholesterol(胆固醇). These include such foods as meats, milk products and eggs. The Heart Association noted a number of studies which show that nations where people eat a lot of high cholesterol foods have a higher number of deaths from heart disease. However, the new report disagrees. It was made by the Food and Nutrition Board of the United States National Academy of Sciences. The new report by a team of 15 scientists said there is no evidence to link cholesterol in food directly to heart disease. It noted seven major studies involving people whose diet was changed to include only foods low in cholesterol. The studies found only a very small reduction in the number of heart attacks and there was no reduction in the number of heart attack deaths. Other studies have shown similar results. They found that a change to low cholesterol foods will have only a minor effect on the amount of cholesterol in a person's blood and only a minor effect on the number of deaths. Medical scientists hope that two huge new studies may settle the cholesterol dispute. The tests are designed to learn if low cholesterol foods or anticholesterol drugs, or both, can reduce the amount of the substance in the blood and reduce the chance of a heart attack. The two new studies will be finished in the next year or two. The new Academy of Sciences report also discussed other possible links between food and disease. The scientists, in general, they are deeply concerned about some of the recent advice given about food. They noted that a number of private groups, government agencies and several popular books have advised that people can prevent heart disease, cancer and other sicknesses by changing the kinds of foods they eat. The new report said there is often no good scientific evidence to support such advice. In fact, the scientists said such ideas often produce only false hopes or unnecessary fears.
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发表于 2017-6-16 20:27:01 | 显示全部楼层

  31. According to the passage, people could reduce the chance of suffering he art attack by ____.
  A) eating less foods with a lot of cholesterol
  B) eating less of low cholesterol foods
  C) eating a lot of high cholesterol foods
  D) eating drugs
  32. High cholesterol foods include ____.
  A) eggs, meats and milk products
  B) potatoes, green vegetables and tomatoes
  C) corn, wheat and beef
  D) sugar, rice and butter
  33. Some scientists believe that there is no evidence that cholestrol in food is directly linked to ____.
  A) blood disease
  B) heart disease
  C) infectious disease
  D) mental disorder
  34. Medical scientists believe that ____.
  A) tests have been designed to settle the cholesterol dispute
  B) drugs have been tested to reduce the amount of the substance in blood
  C) low cholesterol foods or anti cholesterol drugs or both can reduce the chance of a heart attack
  D) none of the statements mentioned above is correct
  35. Which of the following statements in NOT true?
  A) One can avoid a heart disease by eating less foods with little cholesterol.
  B) One can avoid a heart disease by taking the doctor's advice to eat low cholesterol foods and anti cholesterol drugs or both.
  C) There has been good scientific evidence that cholesterol foods can produce the chance of suffering a heart disease.
  D) People usually believe that cholesterol foods are directly linked to heart disease.
  Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:
  The most interesting architectural phenomenon of the 1970's was the enthusiasm for refurbishing old buildings. Obviously, this was not an entirely new phenomenon. What is new is the wholesale interest in reusing the past, in recycling, in adaptive rehabilitation. A few trial efforts, such as Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, proved their financial viability in the 1960's, but it was in the 1970's, with strong government support through tax incentives and rapid depreciation, as well as growing interest in ecology issues, that recycling became a major factor on the urban scene. One of the most comprehensive ventures was the restoration and transformation of Boston's eighteenth century Faneuil Hall and the Quincy Market, designed in 1824. This section had fallen on hard times, but beginning with the construction of a new city hall immediately adjacent, it has returned to life with the intelligent reuse of these fine old buildings under the design leadership of Benjamin Thompson. He has provided a marvelous setting for dining, shopping, professional offices, and simply walking. Butler Square, in Minneapolis, examplifies major changes in its complex of offices, commercial space, and public amenities carved out of a massive pile designed in 1906 as a hardware warehouse. The exciting interior timber structure of the building was highlighted by cutting light courts through the interior and adding large skylights.
  San Antonio, Texas, offers an object lesson for numerous other cities combating urban decay. Rather than bringing in the bulldozers, San Antonio's leaders rehabilitated existing structures, while simultaneously cleaning up the San Antonio River, which meanders through the business district.
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发表于 2017-6-16 20:37:02 | 显示全部楼层

  36. What is the main idea of the passage?
  A) During the 1970's, old buildings in many cities were recycled for modern use.
  B) Recent interest in ecology issues has led to the cleaning up of many rivers.
  C) The San Antonio example shows that bulldozers are not the way to fight u rban decay.
  D) Strong government support has made adaptive rehabilitation a reality in Boston.
  37. What is the space at Quincy Market now used for?
  A) Boston's new city hall.
  B) Sports and recreational facilities.
  C) Commercial and industrial warehouses.
  D) Restaurants, offices, and stores.
  38. According to the passage, Benjamin Thompson was the designer for a proje ct in ____.
  A) San Francisco
  B) Boston
  C) Minneapolis
  D) San Antonio
  39. When was the Butler Square building originally built?
  A) In the eighteenth century.
  B) In the early nineteenth century.
  C) In the late nineteenth century.
  D) In the early twentieth century.
  40. What is the author's opinion of the San Antonio project?
  A) It is clearly the best of the projects discussed.
  B) It is a good project that could be copied in other cities.
  C) The extensive use of bulldozers made the project unnecessarily costly.
  D) The work done on the river was more important than the work done on the buildings.
  Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)
  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B),C)and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
  41. The undersea world is well known as a source of natural beauty and a ____ to human fantasy.
  A) gleam B) magnitude C) faction D) stimulus
  42. Too many hotels have been built and this has ____ down prices, making holidays cheaper.
  A) forced B) slowed C) cut D) reduced
  43. The climber was ____ from the top of the cliff on a rope held by his friends.
  A) exhausted B) relieved C) suspended D) isolated
  44. We can't understand Uncle George, for he always ____ whatever he says.
  A) masters B) mumbles C) molests D) muzzles
  45. You haven't really answered the question, for what you said is not ____.
  A) eligible B) pertinent C) provident D) expeditious
  46. Always a clear diplomat, he ____ one potential eney of his country against another, so he kept them divided.
  A) played down B) played on C) played with D) played off
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发表于 2017-6-16 21:34:58 | 显示全部楼层

  47. His illness would ____ his progress of study.
  A) cast B) conclude C) obstruct D) block
  48. A beautiful autumn day like this ____ for the wet summer we have had.
  A) compensates B) revenges C) balances D) compels
  49. Do you have a ____ of ownership for this car?
  A) document B) label C) passport D) certificate
  50. Ronny's steps ____, and there was a moment of absolute silence.
  A) died down B) died away C) died off D) died out
  51. After practising for several weeks, Peter decided to ___.
  A) contrive B) comprise C) confirm D) compete
  52. When the pipe broke, the water ____ out violently.
  A) trickled B) gushed C) stirred D) flitted
  53. Few people ____ this department store because it didn't sell good clothing.
  A) accused B) recited C) patronized D) advertized
  54. The ____ between them has been made.
  A) contention B) concord C) conjunction D) commune
  55. It's hard to ____ someone so selfish.
  A) feel like B) feel out C) feel for D) feel towards
  56. The apple tree ____ the field, dropping its flowers on the grass.
  A) leaned on B) leaned to C) leaned over D) leaned towards
  57. Why are you always so ____ You never smile or look cheerful.
  A) angry B) sorry C) unfortunate D) miserable
  58. You must remember to ____ all your belongs out of this classroom today.
  A) fetch B) take away C) bring D) take
  59. The ____, while worrying, does not mean a total loss, as the jewels were insured for $ 30,000.
  A) robber B) robbery C) rubbish D) robot
  60. I have often wondered who first ____ that simple but profound truth.
  A) urged B) uttered C) buttered D) sponsored
  61. We'd better wait inside until the storm ____.
  A) transmits B) distorts C) migrates D) subsides
  62. I have not found my book yet; in fact, I am not sure ____ I could have done with it.
  A) whether B) where C) when D) what
  63. His mother bought a ____ chunk of meat.
  A) massive B) excessive C) extravagant D) plentiful
  64. He was interested only in the story and ____ all those passages of landscape description.
  A) thought badly of B) went over C) made fun of D) passed over
  65. If you don't return the article to the shop within a week, you will ____ the chance of getting your money back.
  A) take B) forfeit C) stand D) get
  66. The winter was close ____, she had no clothes, and now she was out of work.
  A) severe B) far away C) mild D) at hand
  67. Jim and Mike tried to move the large rock but they could not ____ it.
  A) arouse B) provoke C) budge D) dodge
  68. His ____ and experience make him an excellent person for this job.
  A) competence B) complacency C) compensation D) compunction
  69. In that year the ____ of infectious diseases in the United Kingdom was high.
  A) rate B) ratio C) frequency D) incidence
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发表于 2017-6-16 23:11:12 | 显示全部楼层

  70. I think I've grasped your main proposals, but would you mind ____ them once again?
  A) running out B) running into C) running through D) running for
  Part Ⅳ Error Correction (15 minutes)
  Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In the passage there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.
  Every year, many foreign students go to America to study English. Some of them will participate in a homestay program and live with an American family. However, others will take a different decision. They will live with friends from their own country. I believe that if a foreign student looks at both possibilities, he will decide to live with an American family. Even though there are one or two drawbacks to the homestay way, there are far more benefits.
  In making his decision about how to live in the United States, the foreign student is smart to consider one or two disadvantages to live with an American family. First of all, he must realize that he is going to feel homesick at first. Living in an American home with people of other language and culture may cause this feeling to increase. Also, the American family could become very protective of him. They may ask him where he is going, when he leaves home and when he will return. Despite of these two disadvantages, there is a stronger argument in favor of living with Americans. By living in an American home, the student has an opportunity to become familiar with American customs and culture. For instance, he will learn the importance of family closeness. He can see how the children communicate with their parents and how the parents educate their children. He will not feel like a stranger because the American family will help him adjusting to a new life. In an American home, he can learn English fast. Family members can help him with his homeworks. When he speaks English, they can point out his errors. In this way, he can learn English naturally. Although there are some disadvantage to live with an American family, there are heavier benefits. If the foreign student at first realizes the value of learning about a new culture and improving his English at the same time, he will find studying there a very big experience.
  Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “The 1998 Summer Flood”. You should write at least 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:
  1. 洪水所造成的损失:受灾面积……,伤亡人数……,经济损失……元,受灾最为严 重的省份是……
  2. 江主席、党中央十分关心受灾地区和人民,亲自指挥抗洪抢险,取得了最后胜利。

  3. 抗洪的胜利说明了什么?
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发表于 2017-6-17 00:22:56 | 显示全部楼层

  答 案 Part Ⅱ
  21. 答 案B B)一个著名的旧货市场的写照,这个答 案正确。A)为什么人们买他们要买的东西,这个标题不能表达本文的主题思想。 C)痴迷好奇心的原因。到旧货市 场去逛一逛,买买东西,是一种娱乐或者是消遣,到那里去猎奇并不是旧货市场兴旺发达 的主要原因,也不能反映主题。 D)顶楼的垃圾发生了什么?这一项所反映的也是局部情况,不能反映主题。
  22. 答 案B  A)这种说法不全面,不合题意。B)每年收集50次,每星期两次,一年就是100次。这一说法符合要求, 故为正确答 案。C)反映了模糊不清的需要和愿望。这种说法不对,物品没有情感,不会有要求和愿望,只有人才有需求与希望,如:You learn here the incredible obscurity of human needs and desires.(你会了解到人们的需求,多令人难以置信和模糊不清。)。D)给买主带来财富。事实上,在旧货市场买东西不一定会给所有买主带来财富,只是偶尔有发财的机会,这种情况极少。
  23. 答 案D。D) 这就为人们提供了一个 信息:你需要买什么,那里就有什么。故 D为正确答案。
  24. 答 案B  B)遗传模仿行为的定义和分布,可 在短文的第一段中找到。其它三项选择均应排除。
  25. 答 案A  A)为正确答案。文章第一段的最后一句间接回答了这个问题:It is found primarily in vertebrates, in those species that are diurnal, and usually in those that spend much of their lives in the air, in open water or on open plains.(遗传模仿行为主要表现于脊椎动物以及那些白昼活动的动物,那些常常把一生大部时间都花在辽阔的天空、宽阔的水域或开阔的平原上的动物。)
  26. 答 案C  C)羊群以群体活动为主,这种行为比其它哺乳动物更普遍,因此C为正确答 案。A)掠食其它动物;B)不如自己的敌人聪明;D)有一个支配视力的感官。A)、B)和D)三项均不合题意。文中提到过猛禽在猎取prey animals(被掠食者)时也有这种allelomimetic behavior的功能,但发生在它们身上的可能性远没有发生在被掠食动物身上的可能性大。
  27. 答 案B B)能够说明问题,因为牲畜受到大火的威胁时,就产生一种自我保护本能,采取保护自己的行动,逃离火源,所以B)为正确答 案。A)掠食肉类动物的熊,不合题意。熊是不是掠食食肉动物的动物,我们暂且不管它,但有一点是肯定的:熊不是allelomimetic之类的动物。 C)在跑道上赛跑的马。马是驯服的动物,也没有allelomimetic功能。D)和警察一起工作的狗。狗是人类忠实朋友,和警察的合作非常密切,更不会有这种功能。
  28. 答 案D  如果选 A)保 护鸟巢不受掠食者侵扰。主次颠倒,不合题意。主要功能是保护鸟类本身,而不是鸟巢。如果选 B)相互对视。allelomimelic behavior更没有这种功能,离题太远。如果选C)放置被捕食的动物。文不对题,不可取。
  29. 答 案D  如果人为地把它们聚在一起,它们的行动也不会保持一致。这说明,啮齿动物没有这种功能, 所以 D)为正确答 案。A)它们的这种行为增加,显然和题意不符。B)它们之间继续保持合作状态。事实上是:…they do not conform in their movement(行动不能保持一致)。C)它们变得好斗,并且相互攻击。这种情况是捏造的,不存在的。
  30. 答 案C  A项参加考试的学生,B项参加比赛的运动员, C项侦察敌人的侦察兵,D项等待交通指示灯变换的司机。可看出,侦察兵在执行任务时,容易受到敌人的攻击,自我保护意识强,因而也最可能具有遗传模仿行 为,所以C项最佳。
  31. 答 案B  B)少吃低胆固醇的食物。这是减少患心脏病比较可行的方法。相比较而言,其它说法都和题意相悖。A)少吃含有大量胆固醇的食物。这样只能增加患高血压的机 率。C)多吃含高胆固醇的食物。这样患心脏病的机会更大。D)吃药。吃药不是解决患心脏病的办法,也不能减小机率。
  32. 答 案A  A)项选择正好符合题意,故为正确答 案。B)蕃薯、青菜和西红柿。薯类和蔬菜不含脂肪,不含胆固醇。C)玉米、小麦和牛肉。玉米、小麦含有淀粉,自然没有胆固醇;牛肉虽然含有少量的胆固醇,但在C)项选择里占有三分之一的份额,故不能归到胆固醇食品的行列。D)糖、大米和奶油,和C)项选择一样,也不能归为含胆固醇食品一类。
  33. 答 案B  在文章的第二段中 很容易找到答 案: The new report by a team of scientists said there is no evidence to link cholesterol in food directly to heart disease.可以确定选项为B,其它三项选择容易被排除。
  34. 答 案C  解答此题应从文章某些内容推测所包含的观点和倾向。四个选择中, C)最符合本题题意。如果选A),那就成了:医学科学家们相信,为了解决胆固醇之争已经定好了试验。什么试验,试验什么内容都模糊不清。科学家们所希望的是通过两项庞大的研究计划可能会解决胆固醇之争,而不是通过试验解决争论。B)为了减少血液中的物质,对药物进行了试验,这种说法欠妥,因为文章中没有提到进行过药物试验,所以不能入选。D)项把以上三种选择都否定了,所以也是错误的。
  35. 答 案C  A)人们少吃带少量胆固 醇的食物可避免患心脏病。文中多次提到并被人们普遍接受,所以是对的。 B)听医生的忠 告,吃低胆固醇的食物,或服用药物,或两者兼之就不得心脏病。这一说法普遍为人们所接 受,也是对的。 C)一直有很好的科学事实证明含胆固醇食物能够增加患心脏病的机会。这种 说法和题意相反,因为文中曾提到: The new report by a team of 15 scientists said t here is no evidence to link cholesterol in food directly to heart disease.因而C)为正确答 案。D)人们常常认为胆固醇食品常和心脏病有直接联系。这种说法也是对的,也不能入选。
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发表于 2017-6-17 01:05:54 | 显示全部楼层

  36. 答 案A  A)项为本题的答 案。因为文章的第一段有明确交待:The most interesting architectural phenomenon of the 1970's was the enthusiasm for refurbishing(整修)old buildings.这个句子是第一段的主题句,也是全篇文章的论点。文章的第二段、三段、四段为第一段提供了论据和例证,都是为这个论点服务的。B)项 所反映的只是一个局部问题,是城市整修的一个实例,不足以代表整体,所以不能成为中心思想。C)项也是一个实例,推土机在这里的含义是市政建设,光靠建 设,不搞旧物利用,不进行整修改造,城市的衰败现象是不能克服的,故C)项也不是主题思想,不能入选。D)项反映的情况也是局部,即波士顿的情况,全国许多城市中的一员,是整修建筑、疏通河道的又一例子,同样不能代表中心思想,不能入选。
  37. 答 案D  第二段的最后一句回答了这个问题: He has provided a marvelous settin g for dining, shopping, professional offices, and simply walking.(他为餐饮、购物 、专业办公和休闲提供了极好的场所。 ) dining指restaurant; shopping指商店;simply walking指recreation。故D)为正确答案。
  38. 答 案B  答 案在文中第二段,文章指出:… it has returned to life with the intelligent reuse of these fine old buildings under the design leadership of Benjamin Thompson.(这一地区的有些很不错的旧式建筑由于有了本杰明?汤普森的领导与设计又重新恢复了生机。)it指this section,在这个地区有两座建筑物(Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market)要整修,这是波士顿18世纪的建筑,毫无疑问,本杰明所领导和设计的这项工程发生在波士顿,而不是其它地方。
  39. 答 案D  因为文章的第三段告诉读者:Butler Square, in Minneapolis, examplifies major changes in its complex of offices, commercial space, and public amenities(舒适的环境) carved out(雕刻) of a massive pile designed in 1906 as a hardware warehouse. (Butler广场就是一个例子,它的综合办公室、商贸处和公共娱乐场所都发生了巨大的变化,这些设施都是1906年从成堆设计图纸中精选并经过精雕细刻 而成的,现在变成了五金仓库。)
  40. 答 案D  作者对 San Antonio工程的意见是什么?A)很清楚它是所谈到 的最好的一项工程。 B)是一项其它城市可以仿效的好项目。C)大量的推土机给这项工程造成了不必要的浪费。D)改造河流工作比改造建筑物工作更重要。作者对San Antonio工程的意见反映在文章的最后一段:San Antonio, Texas, offers an object lesson for numerous other cities combating urban decay(得克萨斯的San Antonio为其它与衰退作斗争的城市提供了可供借鉴的例证。若选A),文章中并没有说它是所谈到的最好的工程;若选C),文章中也没有说它们给工程造 成了不必要的损失。哪项工作重要,哪项工作不重要,作者没有对它们进行比较。
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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2017-6-17 02:19:53 | 显示全部楼层

  41- 50    DACBB DDADB
  61-70    DDADB  DCADC
  71. 答 案:将take改为make。
  72. 答 案:将way改为option。
  73. 答 案:将smart改为wise。
  74. 答 案:将other 为another。
  75. 答 案:将argument改为idea。
  76. 答 案:将adjusting改为adjust。
  77. 答 案:homeworks改为homework。
  78. 答 案:disadvantage改为disadvantages.
  79. 答 案:heavier改为greater。
  80. 答 案:big改为rewarding。
  Part Ⅴ 写作指导
  Sample Writing
  The 1998 Summer Flood The calamitous floods this year claimed the lives of more than three thousand people, 1,320 being killed along the Yangtse River. The deluge in the summer flooded 21 million hectares of land in 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Direct economic losses caused by the floods have hit 166.6 billion yuan (U.S.$20 billion). Jianxi, Hunan, Hubei, Heilongjang and Jilin provinces and the Inner Mogolian Autonomous Region have suffered the most serious damages. President Jiang Zemin and the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCCP) were greatly concerned about the floods. President Jiang and other top leaders went personally to the anti flood front and directed troops and civilians to fight against the floods. Jiang ordered the troops to give their all to safeguard the dykes. The battle against the summer flood involved 8 million people and 274,000 soldiers and armed police. Soldiers and local residents battled courageously and worked tenaciously to hold back raging flood waters and achieved an ultimate victory. They protected the safety of levees, major cities along the rivers and main railway lines and saved untold lives. As President Jiang said, “We have successfully waged a ‘People's War' in advance of the new century.” The monumental success will have far reaching significance in terms of helping to maintain the social stability required by reform, opening up and modernization construction. The victory has once again clearly revealed the cohesiveness and tenacity of the forces of the Communist Party of China and its leaders, the superiority of socialism and the reliability of our army. The victory over the 1998 summer flood also shows that the Chinese people and army, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, is invincible. They can overcome any difficulties and hardships to win successes in advance of the new century.
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