It's easy to claim we're "addicted" to foods like the donuts from down the
street or our beloved Thai takeout. But while the concept of food addiction is
controversial among researchers, there is growing evidence that
highly-processed, fatty, sugary foods like pizza, chocolate, chips and cookies
as uniquely problematic foods in people's lives.
In the latest study published on the subject, Dr. Nicole Avena of the Icahn
School of Medicine at Mount Sinai found that behaviors and attitudes surrounding
some types of food closely followed addiction patterns. She hopes her work might
one day contribute to the next generation of obesity and eating disorder
食物成瘾表 (注:对于食物成瘾的指数。1=完全没问题,7=最有问题)
Notice anything? The foods that caused people the most mental distress and
physical discomfort are also foods that are highly-processed or are high in
added fats and sugars. They're also more likely to have the highest levels of
glycemic load, which is a measurement of how a food will raise a person's blood
sugar level after eating it.
Food addiction isn't an officially recognized addiction; the closest thing
to it in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is
binge eating disorder. But Avena, who has been researching food addiction for
over 15 years, says that hers is the first clinical study to assess the
connection between how people eat certain foods and the properties of that food
—whether it be added fat, sugar or its highly-processed manufacture.
食物成瘾并不是一种正式认可的成瘾症;在《精神障碍诊断及统计手册》(DSM-5)中与之最接近的是暴食症。但是,已研究食物成瘾逾15年的阿维纳说,她的研究是第一份测定人们食用某些食物的方式与食物属性之间有何关联的临床研究,这里的食物属性包括人工添加脂肪、糖类或者深度加工。 |