Wonder Woman is a groundbreaking film. Not only is it the first film to star the iconic character created over 75 years ago, it is the first big female-led studio superhero film in over a decade, not to mention being the first studio superhero film directed by a woman.《神奇女侠》(Wonder Woman)是一部开创先河的影片。不但将75年前的漫画人物作为电影主角,而且是十多年来英雄电影影棚内首次出现由女性主演、女性导演拍摄的电影。
With breaking glass ceilings comes high expectations, and upon the film’s release, doubts were put to rest as Wonder Woman achieved near universal praise from critics and fans alike.随着英雄电影新历史而来的是更高的期待。所幸,《神奇女侠》刚上映就近乎获得了影评界和粉丝们的一致好评,对这部电影的质疑也因此销声匿迹。
But while Wonder Woman feels so fresh, Gal Gadot, the titular star, doesn’t believe Wonder Woman is doing anything particularly novel. Rather, she credits the film’s success on its earnest, straightforward approach to the material. She mentions they are genuine and open and vulnerable to all cynicism.主角盖尔·加朵(Gal Gadot)却认为这部电影没什么新奇的。她说电影的成功不在于故事的新颖程度,而是其中的真诚和坦率。每位参与人员都真诚地包容和吸纳各方意见。
When it comes to the director Patty Jenkins, Gadot praises her as “an amazing partner” and she would rather like to idolize Jenkins out of her dedication than her gender. They communicate to build an accessible character by presenting her drawbacks and imperfections. An existent and interesting role is exactly what Gadot loves to play.说起导演派蒂·杰金斯( Patty Jenkins),盖尔称她是“绝佳的同事”。比起派蒂女性导演的身份,盖尔更赞赏她的敬业。两人一致认为要展现角色的弱点和不完美,塑造一个真实的角色。盖尔向往的正是一个真实存在而又有趣的角色。
As for the co-star Chris Pine, he meant more than a partner to Gadot, for it was her first lead role ever and Chris guided her nicely with his experience and humor. The funny colleague also made Gadot break many takes with laughter.男主演克里斯·派恩(Chris Pine)帮了盖尔不少忙。盖尔首次主演电影,而克里斯经验十足,风趣幽默,帮助盖尔在拍摄中渐入佳境,却也因为笑料频频,惹得盖尔不断笑场。
While Gadot’s natural screen presence immediately sells the audience on her ability to embody the enduringly-popular character, the film itself is an origin story, largely setting the stage for who Wonder Woman will grow to be. In Gadot’s eyes, one film isn’t nearly enough to capture the character. A whole series likely awaits.盖尔浑然天成的银幕表现让观众很快就将之与多年前大热的漫画角色联系起来,再加上电影的原创性,这很大程度上为《神奇女侠》的续集做了铺垫。在盖尔看来,一部影片远不足以丰满角色。《神奇女侠》系列似乎值得期待。
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