Someone’s get a point.
这里的point 指的是 重点,观点,想法。
【例句】You get a point every time you answer a question correctly.
这两张截图中都有 stand up 这个词组。
1 (要求或证据)经得起检验,能够成立 If something such as a claim or a piece of evidence stands up, it is accepted as true or satisfactory after being carefully examined.
2 (男友或女友)爽约,放…的鸽子
【例句】We were to have had dinner together yesterday evening, but he stood me up...
我们昨晚本来要一起吃晚饭的,但他爽约了。 注意是 stand sb. up。 如果是被动的话,是 be stood up。
You stand up for yourself. 这句台词中,stand up 原意为站起来,引申为 defend against attack or criticism的含义。
【例句】He stood up for his friend.