A big data platform was launched Wednesday to help a special group of
Chinese children, known as left-behind children.
China has around 9 million rural children whose parents work away from
home, leaving them behind with grandparents, relatives or caregivers.
The platform will include a database covering these children’s personal
information, guardianship, psychological and physical conditions, and then match
their needs with resources donated by social organizations, companies and
Service centers will be set up to offer various courses, training and aid,
according to a statement issued at the launch ceremony.
Children taking part in the project will receive watches that record their
location to prevent them from becoming lost.
The project was jointly launched by the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund
and a technology firm related to the country’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite
该项目由中国少年儿童基金会和一个国家的北斗卫星导航系统相关的科技公司联合推出。 |